
Latest version: v0.2.7

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This is a breaking change release. The `whitebox_tools` function now takes care of
running the tools in a temporary directory and saving the output files to a specified
directory. This change makes the function more user-friendly and easier to use.


- Add two new arguments and remove one argument from the `whitebox_tools` function.
The new arguments are:

- `src_dir` (a `str` or `Path`): Path to the source directory containing the input files.
All user input files will be copied from this directory to a temporary directory for
processing. Note that when using these files in `arg_dict`, you should use the filenames
without the directory path since the internal working directory of the WhitboxTools is
set to the temporary directory where the files are copied.
- `save_dir` (a `str` or `Path`): Path to the directory where the output files
will be saved. If not provided, the output files will be saved in the source
- `files_to_save` (a `list` of `str`): List of output files to save to the `save_dir`.
Note that these should be the filenames without the directory path, just as they are
used in the `arg_dict`, i.e. the values that are passed by `-o` or `--output` in the
WhiteboxTools command.

The removed argument is:

- `work_dir`: This argument is no longer needed since the working directory is set to
the temporary directory where the input files are copied.

- All examples have been updated to reflect the changes in the `whitebox_tools` function.


- A new example notebooks has been added to compute Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) using
PyWBT for a watershed in Houston, Texas.
- In the Delineate Basins notebook added a new plot for the mainstems.
- Added a new function to the `utils` module of the example notebooks to get DEM data from
the USGS's 3D Elevation Program (3DEP).


- This release has no changes, it is just to trigger the release process since
the initial release on PyPi did not include the archive which is needed for
`conda-forge` to build the package.


- Initial release.

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