_Released 30/08/2023_
⚡ Features
- `All` `webview.create_window(maximized=False)` Create a window in a maximized state. Thanks vsajip
- `All` `webview.create_window(screen=screen_instance)` Create a window on a specific monitor, where `screen` is a screen returned by `window.screens`. Thanks louisnw01
- `All` Window title can be obtained / set via `window.title`.
🚀 Improvements
- `All` Window closing event fired after closing confirmation 1178. Thanks p4bl0-
- `All` Improve performance of JS API calls by removing the initial delay of 100ms.
- `GTK` Native JS Bridge. HTTP server based JS bridge is removed.
- `GTK` Remove support for Webkit older than 2.2
🐞 Bug fixes
- `All` Easy drag memory leak 1176
- `Winforms` Easy drag support 1125
- `Winforms` Incorrect DPI scaling
- `Winforms` Private mode not working if `webview.screens` is returned before `webview.start` 1193
- `QT` Add no sandbox for arch/manjaro/nixos to avoid white screen problem 890. Thanks myuanz
- `GTK` Closing event handlers cancellation. Thanks p4bl0-
- `GTK` SEGFAULT on second `webview.start()` call 1063. Thanks PercentBoat4164