
Latest version: v1.1.0

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Dijsktra algorithm available!

With this new release of pywgraph now the dijkstra algorithm is implemented. To use it you need to create and instance of `Dijkstra` with a graph and a node where the Dijsktra algorithm will start. The just call `Dijkstra.perform_dijkstra_algorithm()` to perform the algorithm. After that you can access the Dijkstra table with `Dijsktra.table` and inmediatly find the shortest path between two nodes with `Dijkstra.shortest_path`.

Also a new way of instantiating a graph from a list of tuples was added. This is the `WeightedDirectedGraph.from_tuples` method, which will let us initialize a new graph object base on a list of 3-tuples, where the first two coordinates are the nodes and the third one the weight between them.

What's Changed
* Develop by josek98 in

**Full Changelog**:


Paths and cycles!
In this new release some major changes where made. Now the method `find_path` is replaced with `find_paths`. This method is able to finde all paths connecting the selected nodes. You add parameters to allow multiple visists to some or all nodes during the search of a path.

Also add a method to find cycles that contains an specific node and the property to return all cycles of the graph. Now you can also check if a graph is conmutative with the `is_conmutative` property. Check release notes and `README.MD` to find more information about changes.

What's Changed
* Develop by josek98 in

**Full Changelog**:


As in previous minor release methods to add nodes and edges were added in this minor release I add methos to delete nodes and edges.

What's Changed
* Develop by josek98 in

**Full Changelog**:


In this release two new methods were added. This are:
* `WeightedDirectedGraph.add_node`: It is use to add a node to an existing graph.
* `WeightedDirectedGraph.add_edge`: It is use to connect two existing nodes creating an edge between them. The weight of the edge can be either given or self calculated with a path between the nodes.

What's Changed
* Develop by josek98 in

**Full Changelog**:


This is the release of `pywgraph`, a python library design to implement weighted directed graphs where weights of edges can be elements of an specific mathematical group. With this abstraction, you can traverse the graph over the edges and using the group operation to get the weight of the travelled path. If you want to use it simpler, when no group is specify the weights are suppose to be floating numbers with the multiplication to calculate weight over paths.


In the current version, an abstraction of a mathematical group has been develop. Now you can use as weights any element of a defined group. The behaviour of the objects in the previous version is still working since not specifying a group sets the multiplication group of the real numbers, which is what it used to be. The only exception is that when trying to get the weight of an empty path the return is no more 0. Now is None, but you can set anything you want just by passing the `default` parameter, similar to the `get` method from Python's dictionaries.

What's Changed
* New-approach by josek98 in
* Develop by josek98 in

**Full Changelog**:

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