*3 April 2017*
* First major release from master branch
* requests package is mandatory
* Deprecate previous 2.0 branches and tags
* Use default summary when summary value does not contain a string (:phab:`T160823`)
* Enable specialbots.py for PY3 (:phab:`T161457`)
* Change tw(n)translate from Site.code to Site.lang dependency (:phab:`T140624`)
* Do not use the "imp" module in Python 3 (:phab:`T158640`)
* Make sure the order of parameters does not change (:phab:`T161291`)
* Use pywikibot.tools.Counter instead of collections.Counter (:phab:`T160620`)
* Introduce a new site method page_from_repository()
* Add pagelist tag for replaceExcept (:phab:`T151940`)
* logging in python3 when deprecated_args decorator is used (:phab:`T159077`)
* Avoid ResourceWarning using subprocess in python 3.6 (:phab:`T159646`)
* load_pages_from_pageids: do not fail on empty string (:phab:`T153592`)
* Add missing not-equal comparison for wbtypes (:phab:`T158848`)
* textlib.getCategoryLinks catch invalid category title exceptions (:phab:`T154309`)
* Fix html2unicode (:phab:`T130925`)
* Ignore first letter case on 'first-letter' sites, obey it otherwise (:phab:`T130917`)
* textlib.py: Limit catastrophic backtracking in FILE_LINK_REGEX (:phab:`T148959`)
* FilePage.get_file_history(): Check for len(self._file_revisions) (:phab:`T155740`)
* Fix for positional_arg behavior of GeneratorFactory (:phab:`T155227`)
* Fix broken LDAP based login (:phab:`T90149`)
* Simplify User class
* Renamed isImage and isCategory
* Add -property option to pagegenerators.py
* Add a new site method pages_with_property
* Allow retrieval of unit as ItemPage for WbQuantity (:phab:`T143594`)
* return result of userPut with put_current method
* Provide a new generator which yields a subclass of Page
* Implement FilePage.download()
* make general function to compute file sha
* Support adding units to WbQuantity through ItemPage or entity url (:phab:`T143594`)
* Make PropertyPage.get() return a dictionary
* Add Wikibase Client extension requirement to APISite.unconnectedpages()
* Make Wikibase Property provide labels data
* APISite.data_repository(): handle warning with re.match() (:phab:`T156596`)
* GeneratorFactory: make getCategory respect self.site (:phab:`T155687`)
* Fix and improve default regexes
* Update linktrails
* Update languages_by_size
* Updating global bot wikis, closed wikis and deleted wikis
* Deprecate site.has_transcluded_data
* update plural rules
* Correcting month names in date.py for Euskara (eu)
* Linktrail for Euskara
* Define template documentation subpages for es.wikibooks
* self.doc_subpages for Meta-Wiki
* Updating Wikibooks projects which allows global bots
* Updated list of closed projects
* Add 'Bilde' as a namespace alias for file namespace of nn Wikipedia (:phab:`T154947`)