Lots of new features!
What's Changed
* Added pre-commit as dev dependency & established existing CI checks as hooks by malcolmgreaves in https://github.com/malcolmgreaves/pywise/pull/24
* Migrate to use `ruff` + standard `pre-commit-hooks`(Python,JSON,YAML) by malcolmgreaves in https://github.com/malcolmgreaves/pywise/pull/26
* ruff pre-commit hook uses pyproject.toml config by malcolmgreaves in https://github.com/malcolmgreaves/pywise/pull/27
* [0.6.0] new features, dev tools overall, testing coverage push by malcolmgreaves in https://github.com/malcolmgreaves/pywise/pull/29
* Update poetry lockfile by malcolmgreaves in https://github.com/malcolmgreaves/pywise/pull/30
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/malcolmgreaves/pywise/compare/0.5.0...0.6.0