1/ Added meteorological day end hour user preference 2/ Attempts at Windows compatibility 3/ Corrected decoding of wind data at speeds over 25.5 m/s 4/ Improved speed with new data caching strategy
1/ Several bug fixes, mostly around new weather stations with not much data 2/ Added min & max temperature extremes to monthly data 3/ Added template and workspace directory locations to weather.ini 4/ Increased versatility of Plot.py with layout and title elements
1/ Added monthly data 2/ Changed 'pressure' to 'abs_pressure' or 'rel_pressure'
1/ Small bug fixes. 2/ Added start time to daily data 3/ Replaced individual plot programs with XML "recipe" system
1/ Can post brief messages to Twitter. 2/ Now time zone aware. Uses UTC for data indexing and local time for graphs and text data files.
1/ Now uses templates to generate text data 2/ Added 28 day plot 3/ Minor efficiency improvements 4/ Improved documentation