
Latest version: v1.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 707299 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Add Cython to the build process to reduce the likelihood of incompatabilities between the Cython-generated C code and CPython (38). (courtesy tacaswell)
* Drop Python 3.7 support.
* Add Python 3.11-3.13 support.


* Drop Python 3.6 support (EOL).
* Add Python 3.10 support.
* Compiled with Cython 0.29.32.
* Updating project URL (moved from [gfairchild]('s personal namespace to [lanl]('s namespace).


* Remove NumPy dependency to simplify build process. Rather than relying on `np.ndarray`, we'll now use native iterables like `list` or `tuple`.
* **This is a breaking change if you currently rely on either of the `*_ndarray` methods.**
* `damerau_levenshtein_distance_ndarray` refactored to `damerau_levenshtein_distance_seqs`, and the return value is now a `list` rather than `np.array`
* `normalized_damerau_levenshtein_distance_ndarray` refactored to `normalized_damerau_levenshtein_distance_seqs`, and the return value is now a `list` rather than `np.array`
* The simplest way to migrate to these new methods is to switch to using a native Python `list`. For example:
* `damerau_levenshtein_distance_ndarray('test', np.array(['test1', 't1', 'test']))` is now `damerau_levenshtein_distance_seqs('test', ['test1', 't1', 'test'])`
* `normalized_damerau_levenshtein_distance_ndarray('test', np.array(['test1', 't1', 'test']))` is now `normalized_damerau_levenshtein_distance_seqs('test', ['test1', 't1', 'test'])`
* If you need the return value to be an `np.array`, then you can simply wrap the return value (a `list`) with `np.array` like so:
* `np.array(damerau_levenshtein_distance_seqs('test', ['test1', 't1', 'test']))`
* Compiled with Cython 0.29.21.


* Remove Python 2 and 3.5 support (they are EOL).
* Bump minimum NumPy version to 1.19.5.
* Add Python 3.9 support in ``.
* Compiled with Cython 0.29.21.


* Fixed bug when first string is longer than the second string (22). (courtesy svenski)
* Compiled with Cython 0.29.21.
* Dropping Python 3.4 support from Travis.


* Allow `np.ndarrays` as input.
* Add support for Python 3.8 to ``.
* Compiled with Cython 0.29.17.

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