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- Added support for [IonQ native gates](https://docs.ionq.com/guides/getting-started-with-native-gates) (gpi/gpi2/ms/zz) for `qasmX_to_ionq()` conversions ([#807](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/807))
- Expanded `QuantumDevice.metadata()` to include average queue time field if provided, instead of (or in addition to) pending jobs ([807](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/807))
- Added device characterization data to `IonQDevice.profie` ([807](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/807))

Improved / Modified
- Added pydantic schema to define the possible Qubo solve params available for submissions to the NEC vector annealer device ([788](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/788))
- Improved clarity of GitHub issue template bug report prompts ([791](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/791))
- Combined `qasm2` and `qasm3` modules in `qbraid.passes` to allow splitting `qbraid.programs.gate_model.qasm` into `qasm2` and `qasm3` sub-modules to maintain program type alias consistency ([805](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/805))
- Improved `IonQDevice.submit` method by explicitly list all available runtime parameters as optional args, included `preflight` bool to get cost in USD without actually submitting job ([807](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/807))
- `qbraid.runtime.native` schema + provider + profile updates for IonQ including basis gates (include native), program validation (no meas), and optional pricing (for when variable) ([809](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/809))
- Improved openqasm3 to ionq conversion error handling, error messages, and logging ([814](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/814))

- Fixed native runtime bug: failure to raise exception if `qbraid-qir` not installed for "qbraid_qir_simulator" device. Now warns at provider level and raises in run method if transform fails ([801](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/801))
- Fixed bug in `qbraid.passes.qasm.convert_qasm_pi_to_decimal()` where `gpi` and `gpi2` gate defs were being subbed with pi decimal value. Fix is not perfect but will work for most cases. ([812](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/812))

- Added `pyqasm` as optional dependency extra for IonQ ([807](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/807))


- Added `AnnealingResultData` class to `qbraid.runtime` module to represent annealing results. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Added `NECVectorAnnealerResultData` class to `qbraid.runtime.native` module to represent NEC vector annealer results. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Added `AnnealingExperimentMetadata` class to `qbraid.runtime.schemas` module to represent annealing experiment metadata. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Added `NECVectorAnnealerExperimentMetadata` class to `qbraid.runtime.schemas` module to represent NEC vector annealer experiment metadata. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Added mock data and methods to `test.resources` module to support testing of annealing and NEC vector annealing results. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Link to `examples` repo ([778](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/778))

Improved / Modified
- Updated the ExperimentType enum to change the value of ANNEALING from "quantum_annealing" to "annealing" to better reflect the general nature of experiments. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Updated `QbraidJob.result` method to return `AnnealingResultData` or `NECVectorAnnealerResultData` instances for annealing and NEC vector annealer experiments, respectively. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Added a test case for the NEC Vector Annealer workflow in , including job submission and result retrieval. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- Added unit tests for `AnnealingResultData`, `NECVectorAnnealerResultData`, and `AnnealingExperimentMetadata` classes. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))
- PR compliance workflow that checks that `CHANGELOG.md` is updated with each PR, and if not, issues a reminder ([772](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/772))
- Workflow to bump semantic version in `_version.py` ([773](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/773))
- Changed `qbraid.runtime.NoiseModel` from an `Enum` to a `dataclass` and introduced `qbraid.runtime.NoiseModelSet` to manage multiple `NoiseModel` instances. An `Enum` was too restrictive since its values are fixed, so a more flexible structure was needed for loading noise model data from an API. Using a dataclass allows storing brief descriptions of noise models. `NoiseModelSet` ensures naming consistency and provides easy add, remove, and get operations for provider classes. ([773](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/773))
- Make noise models optional in `DeviceData` schema ([784](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/784))

from qbraid.runtime.noise import NoiseModel, NoiseModelSet

ideal_model = NoiseModel("ideal", "Ideal noise model for simulations")
custom_model = NoiseModel("custom", "Custom noise model with specific parameters")

models = NoiseModelSet()

retrieved_model = models.get("ideal")
print(f"Retrieved model: {retrieved_model.name} - {retrieved_model.description}")

models.add("ideal", "Updated ideal model", overwrite=True)

for name, model in models.items():
print(f"{name}: {model.description}")


- Moved `ExperimentType` enum into `qbraid.programs` ([777](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/777))
- Renamed `qbraid.programs.circuits` to `qbraid.programs.gate_model` to match enum value ([777](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/777))

- Fixed spelling error of `test_quera_simulator_workflow` in `test.test_device` module. ([768](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/768))


Improved / Modified
- Improved `IonQJob.status` and added overriding `IonQJob.metadata` method that uses status caching and refreshes all job metadata when in non-terminal state. ([765](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/765))
- Improved `QbraidJob.cancel` method so more accurately indicate whether job cancel request was successful or not ([766](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/766))
- Modified output JSON format of `QbraidJob.metadata` to mirror that of the `qbraid.runtime.schemas.RuntimeJobModel` ([766](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/766))

- Update amazon-braket-sdk requirement from <1.88.0,>=1.83.0 to >=1.83.0,<1.89.0 ([767](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/767))


- Added `ValidationLevel` int enum that controls whether the behavior of runtime `QuantumDevice.validate` method, allowing either `NONE`, `WARN`, or `RAISE` ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))
- Added `NoiseModelWrapper` class that allows dynamically setting the value of the `NoiseModel.Other` enum ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))
- Added `DeviceData` schema to improve the way we process JSON device data recieved from the qBraid API ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))

Improved / Modified
- Added optional `RuntimeOptions` argument to `QuantumDevice` class to enable overriding default options upon instantiation ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))
- Added `RuntimeOptions.merge` method to allow combining to options objects with preference to the values and/or validators of either ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))
- Organized all pydantic schemas used in qBraid runtime under (new) module `qbraid.runtime.schemas` ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))

- Fixed `pkg_resources` import error bug. Not shipped with Python > 3.9, so needed lazy import ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))

- Update qbraid-core requirement from >=0.1.22 to >=0.1.24 ([762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))
- Added [ipympl](https://matplotlib.org/ipympl/) to `qbraid[visualization]` extras to allow enhance matplotlib animations with `flair-visual` ([#762](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/762))


- Added `qbraid.programs.typer` module containing custom types (`Qasm2StringType` and `Qasm3StringType`) that can be used instead of `str` for more accurate static typing, as well as instance variables (`Qasm2String` and `Qasm3String`) that can be used for `isinstance` checks against both OpenQASM 2 and 3 strings ([745](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/745))
- Added `qbraid.runtime.enums.NoiseModel` enum for various noise model options that we may support on managed simulators in the future. This is not a supported feature just yet, so this enum is really just a placeholder. ([745](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/745))
- Added `qbraid.runtime.azure` module with `AzureQuantumProvider` class to enable access to QPUs and simulators from IonQ, Quantinuum, and Rigetti, as well as the Microsoft resource estimator, using Azure credentials ([723](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/723))
- Added `qbraid.programs.typer.QbraidMetaType` custom type instances e.g. `IonQDict`, `BaseQasmInstanceMeta` ([752](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/752))
- Added `qbraid.runtime.Options` for more control over transpile, transform, and validation steps ([752](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/752))
- Added `QbraidProvider.estimate_cost` method to enable getting the estimated number of qBraid credits it will cost to run a quantum job on a given device ([754](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/754))

from azure.quantum import Workspace

from qbraid.runtime.azure import AzureQuantumProvider

workspace = Workspace(...)

provider = AzureQuantumProvider(workspace)

device = provider.get_device("quantinuum.sim.h1-1sc")

circuit = """


- Update amazon-braket-sdk requirement from <1.85.0,>=1.83.0 to >=1.83.0,<1.87.0 (to support new Rigetti Ankaa-2 device) ([741](https://github.com/qBraid/qBraid/pull/741))

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