
Latest version: v0.48.0

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The January 2021 release of QCoDeS.

Breaking Changes:

- Removed deprecated SD_common modules from Keysight (2544)
- Removed deprecated ``add_parameter`` method from ``DataSet`` (2582)


- Unused semi private functions ``modify_values`` and ``modify_many_values``
are deprecated (2582)


- Add native and convenient XArray data export methods to ``DataSet`` supporting
concatenation, also improve the Pandas DataFrames export methods (2507)
- Possibility to measure parameters in a separate thread per instrument
inside ``doNd`` functions (2616)
- guid_helpers: Extracting guids from database files and list of strings (2541)


- Ravel data before inserting into DataSet cache (2664)
- Removed duplicated attributes in channel.py (2560)
- Fix header levels and section structure in Measurement example notebook (2624)
- ``doNd`` notebook update: the notebook compares ``doNd`` with ``Measurement``
context manager (2512)
- Allow passing ``ParamSpecBase`` objects to ``DataSet``'s ``get_parameter_data``
and related methods(2655)

New drivers:

- Keysight N9030B Spectrum Analyzer (2553)

Improved drivers:

- Keysight B1500: support measuring any number of channels during IV sweep (2649)
- Add checks for signal current level and voltage level queries in Keysight E4980A (2561)
- Set signal mode and snapshot_exclude in Keysight E4980A (2612)
- Add test to ensure that AWG70000A driver throws a warning when waveform is clipped (2585)
- Add input offset voltage parameter to Basel SP983C (2648)

Under the hood:

- Add support for type checking with Numpy 1.20 (2499)
- Minor typing improvements (2546)
- Improved minimum requirements in qcodes setup (2569)
- Improved tests (2581)
- Filter google rcp related warnings (2598)
- Removed unneeded html theme path (2608)



The December 2020 release of QCoDeS.

Breaking Changes:

- The default behavior of do_plot in doNd functions changed to False.
The default value can be configured in the qcodesrc.json config file (2478)
- plotting: Don't scale empty units (2488)


- Example notebook for using Plottr with Qcodes measurements for live plotting (2494)
- Add kwarg for passing experiment to doNd functions (With tests) (2526)


- The old loop and plotting methods are removed from driver notebooks: Alazar9360 (2477)
- Add PycQED to related projects (2446)
- Updated HP8753D notebook with doNd and its driver timeout (2520)
- Add config options for dataset write_in_background and write_periode (2511)
- filter urllib3.connection related warnings from console logger (2540)

Improved drivers:

- Keysight 34465A: Add missing parameters to pyvisa sim yaml file (2452, 2493)
- Driver SR86x: Add complex voltage (2458)
- Fix parameter name in Alazar ATS9870: EXTERNAL_CLOCK_10MHz_REF (2492)
- Add DC bias and measurement time params to Keysight E4980A driver (2502)
- Add impedance autorange parameter to Keysight E4980A driver (2531)
- Keysight B1500: ensure making snapshot of the pyvisa-sim instrument does not raise warnings (2532)

Under the hood:

- Verify that requirements are compatible with Spyder (2443)
- Require use of Any in all generic types (2450, 2453, 2454, 2457, 2463, 2468, 2469)
- Minor typing improvements (2456, 2475)
- refactor logic to find scale and prefix for units into a public function (2480)
- Use the latest json schema draft supported by python jsonschema validator (2510)
- GitHub actions cleanup (2535)
- Update readme badge to point to github actions (2538)




This release is a patch for fixing unwanted debug messages shown in the Spyder's console (2444)



The November 2020 release of QCoDeS.

Breaking Changes:

- When performing a measurement with ``MultiParameter`` the parameters are now registered under their ``full_name`` including any instrument and channels that the parameter is bound to. This makes the ``MultiParameter`` consistent with all other parameters (2317)
- The Keysight ``SD_common`` module is now deprecated in favour of the one in ``qcodes_contrib_drivers`` (2395)
- The deprecated HP33210A driver has been removed (2334)
- The deprecated Tektronix AWG5200 driver has been removed (2335)
- Deprecated methods removed from ``DataSet`` (2422)

- The ``DataSet`` shape is used when loading data; this impacts the ``DataSet.get_parameter_data`` and ``DataSet.cache.data`` methods. See also [the measurement docs](https://qcodes.github.io/Qcodes/examples/DataSet/Performing-measurements-using-qcodes-parameters-and-dataset.html#Specifying-shape-of-measurement) for more info on how data are loaded (2264)
- The ``Measurement`` now captures exception info in the ``DataSet`` s metadata if an exception occured during measurement (2327)
- There is now an explicit API for marking the ``cache`` of a ``Parameter`` as invalid (2012)
- New support email introduced (2366)

- The documentation for ``ParameterWithSetpoints`` now shows how to make sweeps (2351)
- Bugfix: calling ``mark_complete()`` on a completed ``DataSet`` no longer throws an exception (2376)
- The documentation no longer references the legacy module (2408)

New drivers:
- Keysight E4980A Precision LCR Meter (2253)

Improved drivers:
- The Alazar drivers received various minor fixes (2301)
- The Rohde & Schwarz ZNB vector network analyzer now supports CW readout mode (2007)
- The Keithley 7510 now has a settable buffer name (2370)
- Bugfix: Ithaco ``CurrentParameter`` (2416)
- Keysight B1500 no longer has master/slave terminology in its API (2423)
- Agilent E8527D now has a default terminator (2434)

Under the hood:

- Legacy datasets can have a name (2328)
- Typing was added to the drivers of the following vendors:
- Lakeshore (2340)
- Keysight (2342)
- DynaCool (2338)
- AimTTi (2338)
- Hewlett-Packard (2337)
- Yokogawa (2339)
- Basel (2339)
- Minicircuits (2355)
- Signal Hound (2359)
- Agilent (2359)
- American Magnetics (2362)
- Stanford Research Systems (2365)
- Stahl (2368)
- Oxford (2375)
- Rigol (2380)
- Rohde & Schwarz (2384)
- Ithaco (2384)
- Tektronix (2386, 2393)
- QDev & QDevil (2341)
- AlazarTech (2396)
- For developers: we now disallow implicit optional with ``mypy`` (2361) and all new code must be typed (2397)
- Typing added to various modules (2404, 2406, 2417)
- Prepare for ``numpy`` 1.19 way of handling ragged arrays (2369)




Patch release to support backwards compatibility with pyvisa 1.10 (2371)




This release is a patch fix to enable the QDAC driver with pyvisa 1.11 (2336)


Automatically expand setpoints of ``ParameterWithSetpoints`` when added
to a measurement. This feature was included in 0.19.0 but not mentioned
in the changelog (2181)

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