
Latest version: v0.4.5

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Bug fixes

- prevent gitlab-ci from freezing on gitlab deployment
- not all branches were configured via the `branch` option in `ci_cd`


Feature changes an enhancements

- added gitlab support for CI
- `ci_cd` field is now optional
- AWS provider now respects the region set
- More robust errors messages in cli around project name and namespace
- `git init` default branch is now `main`
- branch for CI/CD is now configurable

Bug fixes

- typo in `authenticator_class` for custom authentication


Feature changes and enhancements

- Support for self-signed certificate/secret keys via kubernetes secrets
- [jupyterhub-ssh](https://github.com/yuvipanda/jupyterhub-ssh) (`ssh` and `sftp` integration) accessible on port `8022` and `8023` respectively
- VSCode([code-server](https://github.com/cdr/code-server)) now provided in default image and integrated with jupyterlab
- [Dask Gateway](https://gateway.dask.org/) now accessible outside of cluster
- Moving fully towards traefik as a load balancer with tight integration with dask-gateway
- Adding ability to specify node selector label for general, user, and worker
- Ability to specify `kube_context` for local deployments otherwise will use default
- Strict schema validation for `qhub-config.yaml`
- Terraform binary is auto-installed and version managed by qhub
- Deploy stage will auto render by default removing the need for render command for end users
- Support for namespaces with qhub deployments on kubernetes clusters
- Full JupyterHub theming including colors now.
- JupyterHub docker image now independent from zero-to-jupyterhub.
- JupyterLab 3 now default user Docker image.
- Implemented the option to locally deploy QHub allowing for local testing.
- Removed the requirement for DNS, authorization is now password-based (no more OAuth requirements).
- Added option for password-based authentication
- CI now tests local deployment on each commit/PR.
- QHub Terraform modules are now pinned to specific git branch via `terraform_modules.repository` and `terraform_modules.ref`.
- Adds support for Azure cloud provider.

Bug fixes

Breaking changes

- Terraform version is now pinned to specific version
- `domain` attributed in `qhub-config.yaml` is now the url for the cluster

Migration guide

0. Version `<version>` is in format `X.Y.Z`
1. Create release branch `release-<version>` based off `main`
2. Ensure full functionality of QHub this involves at a minimum ensuring

- \[ \] GCP, AWS, DO, and local deployment
- \[ \] "Let's Encrypt" successfully provisioned
- \[ \] Dask Gateway functions properly on each
- \[ \] JupyterLab functions properly on each

3. Increment the version number in `qhub/VERSION` in format `X.Y.Z`
4. Ensure that the version number in `qhub/VERSION` is used in pinning QHub in the github actions `qhub/template/{{ cookiecutter.repo_directory }}/.github/workflows/qhub-ops.yaml`
in format `X.Y.Z`
5. Create a git tag pointing to the release branch once fully tested and version numbers are incremented `v<version>`



Feature changes, and enhancements

- Added conda prerequisites for GUI packages.
- Added `qhub destroy` functionality that tears down the QHub deployment.
- Changed the default repository branch from `master` to `main`.
- Added error message when Terraform parsing fails.
- Added templates for GitHub issues.

Bug fixes

- `qhub deploy -c qhub-config.yaml` no longer prompts unsupported argument for `load_config_file`.
- Minor changes on the Step-by-Step walkthrough on the docs.
- Revamp of README.md to make it concise and highlight QHub HPC.

Breaking changes

- Removed the registry for DigitalOcean.

Thank you for your contributions!

> [Brian Larsen](https://github.com/brl0), [Rajat Goyal](https://github.com/RajatGoyal), [Prasun Anand](https://github.com/prasunanand), and
> [Rich Signell](https://github.com/rsignell-usgs) and [Josef Kellndorfer](https://github.com/jkellndorfer) for the insightful discussions.

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