Changelog Fixed - Disable save expectation value for ext stabilizer (1238) - Change qubits order in multiplexer gate (1230) - Fix stabilizer simulator expval function (1231) - Fix configuration.basis_gates performance issue (1232) - Fixes of multi-chunk simulators (1200)
Changelog Fixed - Normalize statevector save and snapshot for extended stabilizer method (1221) - Allow measure sampling with initialize (1219) - Add python iterables to to_json conversion method (1217) - Fix JSON serialized of empty data (1218) - Bug fix for MPS::apply_kraus (1206) - Disable GPU methods if no device available (1213)
Changelog Added - Add AerSimulator backend (1194) - Allow disabling of dependency installation in (1135) - Add instructions to set simulator state (1163) - Migrate to new provider interface (1099) - Support for saving statevector as ket dictionary (820) - Add general SaveState instruction (1164) - Add Fusion variations (1110) - Add arm64 release wheel jobs (1162) - Add SaveUnitary and SaveStabilizer instructions (1136) - Add `SaveAmplitudes` and `SaveAmplitudesSquared` instructions. (1129) - Add `SaveProbabilities` and `SaveProbabilitiesDict` instructions (1117) - Add ``SaveStatevector`` and ``SaveDensityMatrix`` instructions (1116) - Add new save expectation value instructions (1101) - Adding gates to the MPS simulator (1088) - Parallel Qiskit Aer (GPU + MPI) by using cache blocking transpiler (788) - parallelize fusion transpilation (1103) - Enhancement of multi-controlled gates (1076) - Compile CUDA on win (1065) - Cmake: make conan optional (999) - Add PauliGate to density matrix simulator (1012) - Multiple Pauli gates operation (919)
Changed - Add ``SaveStatevector`` and ``SaveDensityMatrix`` instructions (1116) - Add new save expectation value instructions (1101)
Fixed - Fixed bug in apply_kraus in matrix_product_state (1188) - Add reading of qubit_lo_freq from pulse Schedule config (1185) - Always set config.local to True (1187) - Fixed bug in sample_measure_using_probabilities (1132) - change default max_memory_mb from half to full system memory (1152) - Fix noise sampling for conditional gates (1154) - Fix macos tests in CI (1115) - Fix bugs in automatic updates of simulator configuration basis gates (1109) - Fix noise model basis_gates when constructing from device (1108) - Fixed normalization in MPS truncation (1094) - Fix condtional instructions using `c_if` not working for reg of size>=64 on BasicAer backend (1089) - Fix bug with nested omp being applied incorrectly (1055) - Fixed the tests and the revealed bugs (1026) - Corrected qubits ordering in MPS::sample_measure_using_probabilities. (1011) - Fixed bug in MPS::apply_kraus (1003) - Fix Aer provider to return new backend instances with backends/get_backend. (1006) - Fix bug in unsupported instructions error message (1005)
Changelog Added - Add arm64 release wheel jobs (1162)
Fixed - Fixed bug in sample_measure_using_probabilities (1132) - change default max_memory_mb from half to full system memory (1152) - Fix noise sampling for conditional gates (1154)
- Fix numpy compatibility with numpy < 1.20.0 in precompiled wheels (1131)