- Add support for phase, sqrt(X), and delay gates to simulators (951)
- Fix fusion thresholds and defaults (990)
- Add missing standard gate basis gates (989)
- Move AVX2 logic into Transformer class and enable SIMD on Unitary, DensityMatrix, SuperOp (961)
- MPS: Apply kraus (915)
- Add support for phase, sqrt(X), and delay gates to simulators (951)
- MPS: Support snapshot_density_matrix (948)
- Add support for rotation gates to noise model and simulators (914)
- Add custom Vector class (932)
- Add qobj header global phase support (931)
- Kraus noise gate fusion method (927)
- Drop support for Python 3.5 (917)
- Fix snapshots being copied rather than moved (971)
- Add available memory checks for Statevector and Unitary simulators (969)
- Make controller_wrapper functions functors (945)
- fix a bug in thread management tests (918)
- Fix evaluation y expectation (898)
- Fix bug in StatevectorSimulator preventing AVX2, GPU, and single-precision simulations (872)