* Add a Grover-based 3-SAT solver example 31 * Wrap `Rxx` angles to [0, π/2] instead of [-π/2, π/2] 37 * Wrap single-qubit rotation angles to [0, π] instead of [-π, π] 39 * Remove provider for legacy API 40 * Automatically load environment variables from `.env` files 42
* Fix and improve error handling from individual circuits 24 * Run the examples in the continuous integration pipeline 26 * Automatically create a Github release when a version tag is pushed 28 * Add `number_of_qubits` to the `quantum_circuit` job payload 29 * Fix the substitution circuit for wrapping the `Rxx` angles 30 * Connect to the internal Arnica on port 80 by default 33
* Relax the Python version requirement 23
* Allow the transpiler to decompose any series of single-qubit rotations as ZRZ 13 * Wrap single-qubit rotation angles to [-π, π] 13 * Add `offline_simulator_no_noise` resource (based on Qiskit-Aer simulator) to all workspaces 16 * Add simple execution tests 16 * Use native support for arbitrary-angle RXX gates 19 * Stricter validation of measurement operations 19 * Allow executing circuits with only measurement operations 19
* Fix quantum/classical registers mapping 10 * Allow jobs with multiple circuits 10 * Use `poetry` for project setup 7