- API documentation (345, 346, 347, 348, 353)
- CNOT-Dihedral randomized benchmarking (296)
- Accreditation module for output accrediation of noisy devices (252,
325, 329)
- Pulse calibrations for single qubits (292, 302, 303, 304)
- Pulse Discriminator (238, 278, 297, 316)
- Entanglement verification circuits (328)
- Gateset tomography for single-qubit gate sets (330)
- Adds randomized benchmarking utility functions `calculate_1q_epg`,
`calculate_2q_epg` functions to calculate 1 and 2-qubit error per gate
from error per Clifford (335)
- Adds randomized benchmarking utility functions `calculate_1q_epc`,
`calculate_2q_epc` for calculating 1 and 2-qubit error per Clifford
from error per gate (368)
- Support integer labels for qubits in tomography (359)
- Support integer labels for measurement error mitigation (359)
- Deprecates `twoQ_clifford_error` function. Use `calculate_2q_epc`
- Python 3.5 support in qiskit-ignis is deprecated. Support will be
removed on the upstream python community's end of life date for the
version, which is 09/13/2020.