
Latest version: v0.11.0

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The last release broke backwards compatibility with earlier versions of Qiskit. This release supports newer versions of Qiskit, while maintaining compatibility with older ones.


This adds `to_dict()` methods to Qrack metadata classes, as expected for equivalent Qiskit Aer objects.


This update defaults Qrack's `QMaskFusion` layer to "off," consistent with changes in the underlying Qrack API.


Basis gates for the `qasm_simulator` back end have been standardized and debugged. Descriptions have been added, but QASM definitions are not complete.


This conforms to the current PyQrack API version, up to at least v0.10.x. (Apologies for forgetting to tag this, on the original release to PyPi.)


This bumps the PyQrack dependency to the necessary minimum version for `m_all()`.

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