
Latest version: v0.46.2

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- Deprecate Bit.index and Bit.register (6069)
- ScheduleBlock 3/4 - add ScheduleBlock (5854)
- Deprecate probability distribution circuits (6080)
- Deprecate circuit.combine and circuit.extend (4208)
- Deprecate __matmul__ and __mul__ in qinfo (5834)
- Improved Pauli operator class (5261)
- Allow process fidelity to work with a non-unitary target channel (5339)
- Optimize allocated qubits in arithmetic circuits (5332)
- Deprecate Python 3.6 support (5301)
- Migrate qiskit.util module to qiskit.utils (5420)
- Deprecate schemas in qiskit-terra (5262)

- ScheduleBlock 3/4 - add ScheduleBlock (5854)
- Boolean expression object (5830)
- Overload & and ^ for ciruit.compose and circuit.tensor (6065)
- Migrate basic aer provider to new versioned interface (5128)
- add ECR gate and approximation_degree option (5609)
- Add documentation guide on writing a provider (5406)
- Enable parallel_map on windows (3547)
- Add fake backends for new IBM Quantum devices (6021)
- Add additional basis gates rz, sx, x to basicaer. (6022)
- Implemented Random Shuffling in CSPLayout (5994)
- new 16Q device map (6013)
- Transfer the CNOTDihedral Operator class (5442)
- Improved Clifford synthesis method (5779)
- Add reverse_qargs to Operator (5970)
- Add simplify of U3->U1/U2 in OneQubitEulerDecomposer (5554)
- Add calibrations with the TemplateOptimization (5752)
- Allow passmanager.append(flowcontroller) instead of passes (5772)
- Clifford templates (5769)
- Easier way to call a pass on a circuit (5503)
- Enable user defined cost dict for templates (5521)
- Issue 5549 template matching (5550)
- More efficient C3X implementation (5668)
- Add ``PauliTwoDesign`` to the circuit library (5552)
- Add `reverse_qargs` to `Statevector` and `DensityMatrix` (5464)
- Amplitude Estimation algorithms (5517)
- Improve decomposition of (multi-)controlled-z (5572)
- Add PiecewiseChebyshev arithmetic circuit (5364)
- Add readout_length to backend properties (5516)
- Improved Pauli operator class (5261)
- Allow process fidelity to work with a non-unitary target channel (5339)
- Add metadata attribute to QuantumCircuit (5270)
- routing_method='none' and Error pass (5274)
- Allow specifying the last interval in PiecewisePolynomialPauliRotations (5480)
- Add environment variable for number of procs in parallel_map (5384)
- ParameterExpression.__eq__ takes bounded expr == value (5444)
- Add support for circuits and labels in Statevector.equiv (5215)
- Add integer option to initialize to init using bitmap (5418)
- Add support for Python 3.9 (5189)
- Added meas_level and meas_return for circuit jobs (5452)
- Gradient functionality for parameter expressions (5181)
- Support complex parameters (5192)
- Add R(v) gate; rotation wrt rotation vector (5336)
- Add circuit.tensor (5295)
- Add PiecewisePolynomialRotations and InverseChebychev to the circuit library (5219)
- Add user config file options to control parallel execution (5324)
- fixed issue 3908 by adding trigonometric functions to ParameterExpres… (4854)
- allow Initialize from labels (5229)
- Adding Pauli to the standard gate library (5153)

- ScheduleBlock 3/4 - add ScheduleBlock (5854)
- Set sympy.evaluate(False) on frequent code paths for phase tracking. (6072)
- Migrate basic aer provider to new versioned interface (5128)
- Added reverse_bits parameter to plot_bloch_multivector() (5959) (6014)
- Deprecate __matmul__ and __mul__ in qinfo (5834)
- QFT little endian (4849)
- Name-ordered circuit parameters (5759)
- Make Register and Bit hashed attrs immutable (5867)
- quantum_info.operator mixin interface refactor (5617)
- Wrap qiskit.Aer and qiskit.IBMQ with lazy loading object (5619)
- Change ParameterExpression __eq__ to sympy equals() (5760)
- Add a lazy loading wrapper class for __qiskit_version__ (5620)
- ScheduleBlock 1/4 - remove timeslot dependency from instruction (5681)
- Create explicit C3XGate/C4XGate in MCXGrayCode (5601)
- Log warning instead of raise exception in channel measures (5594)
- better initial_layout validation (5526)
- EquivalenceLibrary.draw to return SVG instead of PNG. (5355)
- Improved Pauli operator class (5261)
- Do not execute CSPLayout if layout_method is set in transpile (5495)
- Add ``__array__`` method to ``Gate`` and ``quantum_info`` classes (5402)
- allow statevectors to be parameter in initialize (5190)
- Move ``Quaternion`` from operators to synthesis (5449)
- Add user config file options to control parallel execution (5324)
- Register or QuantumCircuit raises when an ambiguous non-integer gets passed to (4858)

- Remove deprecated interactive visualizations (5991)
- Remove circuit methods deprecated in 0.14.0 (5948)
- Wrap qiskit.Aer and qiskit.IBMQ with lazy loading object (5619)
- Remove deprecated pulse code (5564)
- passmanager(..., callback=...) parameter removed (5522)
- Migrate ApproximateTokenSwapper to only use retworkx and make networkx optional (5471)
- Remove deprecated DAGCircuit.qubits() and .clbits() methods. (5433)
- Remove deprecated quantum_info methods (5439)

- no full scheduling of circuits with delay unless explicitly requested (6084)
- Fix RecursionError in SummedOp.to_pauli_op() and enhance PauliOp.tensor(), PauliSumOp.tensor() (6111)
- Properly clear parameter table on remove_final_measurement (6109)
- Fix TaperedPauliSumOp.to_matrix_op() (6102)
- Fix CalibrationBuilder (6067)
- Fix condition in BasisTranslator and change node.condition to property (6040)
- Enable consolidate blocks to to work with single gate blocks (6024)
- Fixes QASM parser to handle U (6077)
- Subcircuits with classical wires stay right of measures (5958)
- Update interpretation of meas_map in Qiskit (5971)
- fix plot_state_city if only real axis is specified (6015)
- Remove delays from Acquire Channels (6000)
- fix unique circuit names when binding parameters (5851)
- Remove DagNode.__hash__() (5979)
- make commutative_cancellation basis aware (5672)
- fix for permutation circuit (5813)
- * Added left hand side calibrations carry over with + operator. (5946)
- Fix to carry over calibrations with __iadd__ and __add__ (5910)
- fix global phase in Instruction.inverse (5925)
- Fix circular entanglement edge case in ``NLocal`` (5884)
- fix qasm output with open controlled gates (5688)
- Fixed inconsistency in gate names between text and matplotlib backends (5360)
- Fix marginal_counts incorrect creg_sizes with Result object and add format_marginal kwarg (5490)
- Fix parameter handling in global phase (5807)
- clean classical bits after QuantumCircuit.remove_final_measurements (5808)
- Global phase in TwoQubitBasisDecomposer (5764)
- Fix incorrect durations in scheduled circuit (5778)
- Fix handling of classical bits in timeline drawer and non-treament of delay as idle time (5662)
- Fix incorrect qargs setting in sabre_swap (5749)
- Raise if attempting to convert parameterized circuit to qasm. (5705)
- add matrix rep for delay instruction (5704)
- Update the definition of the Hellinger fidelity (5595)
- Add unroll step to level2 passmanager optimization loop (5671)
- Fix global phase tracking around DAGCircuit.substitute_node. (5618)
- Fix U2Gate decomposition in QuantumCircuit.u2 deprecation message. (5660)
- Fix global phase in OneQubitEulerDecomposer using PSX and ZSX basis and in Diagonal gate (5474)
- Fix & refactor the linear combination of unitaries gradients (5501)
- Output transpiled circuit in dt (5563)
- Propagate Pauli phase when evaluating PauliOp (5602)
- Unroll parametervectors in circuit.execute (5593)
- Avoid collecting non atomic nodes in 1q runs (5570)
- Fix global phase handling in circuit.repeat (5588)
- Use actual gate name in backend monitor (5546)
- Fix quantum Fisher information computation based on overlap (5508)
- Add ZSX Euler basis to UnitarySynthesis pass. (5583)
- Durations populated from calibrations (5562)
- Test calling BlueprintCircuit.to_instruction directly after construction (5544)
- Fix unbound template parameters in template substitution (5534)
- Conditionals must display to the right of measures using the same register (5397)
- Fixed handling of "decimals" parameter by updating format_statevector and format_unitary (5347)
- Add missing layout data for ibmq_casablanca. (5492)
- Fix compensate_phase of pulse.builder.frequency_offset (5489)
- [Issue 5304]: Typecast to float only if bound to parameters (5455)
- Convert delays to instructions when assembling (5481)
- Bug fix to ensure that calibrations are carried over by circuit compose (5396)
- Optimize allocated qubits in arithmetic circuits (5332)
- Make optimize_1q_gates U and P aware (5429)
- Honor initial_layout when coupling map is None (5346)
- transpile singleton (5298)
- conditional wires are draw as classical wires in text circuit drawer (5206)
- Remove lone identity gates in Optimize 1q decomposition pass (5292)
- fix hash bug (5379)
- fix hasattr in get_options (5370)
- Add ZSX basis to one qubit decomposition and optimization pass (5314)
- Fix bug in quantum channel subtraction (5343)
- Fix global phase tracking for Unroller, OneQubitEulerDecomposer, and ControlledGate (5248)
- Fix qubits indexing in Statevector._evolve_instruction (5286)
- Fix display of backend name in Result.__repr__ (5284)
- Fix bug: execute valid circuits built with delays (5302)
- Fix issue with frequency change visualization. (5253)
- classical_function decorator to handle parsing indented define. (5288)
- Fix C4XGate QASM definition. (5265)
- Restore using aqua from release for tutorials job (5246)


- Fix incorrect durations in scheduled circuit (bp 5778) (5792)
- Fix incorrect qargs setting in sabre_swap (5749) (5793)
- Global phase in TwoQubitBasisDecomposer (5764) (5791)
- Fix compatibility with numpy 1.20.0 (5788)


- Fix typo adding non-gates to _collect_1q_runs() output (5740)


- Update the definition of the Hellinger fidelity (bp 5595) (5703)
- Fix global phase tracking around DAGCircuit.substitute_node. (bp 5618) (5673)
- More efficient C3X implementation (bp 5668) (5669)
- Fix U2Gate decomposition in QuantumCircuit.u2 deprecation message. (5660) (5663)
- [Stable] Improve 1q decomposition pass with multiple matching basis (5431) (5655)
- Fix global phase in OneQubitEulerDecomposer using PSX and ZSX basis and in Diagonal gate (5474) (5652)
- Make optimize_1q_gates U and P aware (5429) (5651)
- Durations populated from calibrations (5562) (5616)
- Convert delays to instructions when assembling (5481) (5615)
- Use actual gate name in backend monitor (bp 5546) (5589)
- Add ZSX Euler basis to UnitarySynthesis pass. (5583) (5585)
- Fix global phase handling in circuit.repeat (5588) (5592)
- transpile singleton (5298) (5507)
- Fix compensate_phase of pulse.builder.frequency_offset (5489) (5497)
- Add missing layout data for ibmq_casablanca. (5492) (5500)
- Fix bug when multiplying SparsePauliOp by np.int64 (5417) (5419)


- Fix bug in quantum channel subtraction (5343) (5357)
- Restore using aqua from release for tutorials job (5246) (5307)
- Fix bug: execute valid circuits built with delays (5302) (5305)
- Fix display of backend name in Result.__repr__ (5284) (5310)
- Fix C4XGate QASM definition. (5265) (5308)


- Deprecate QuantumCircuit.u1/2/3 (5083)
- Deprecate MSGate (4979)
- Deprecate MSBasisDecomposer and remove references in transpiler.py (5009)

- Add Optimize1qGatesDecomposition to optimize 1q gates using Euler Decomposer (5216)
- Probability distribution circuits (5068)
- Add lightweight v2 provider interface starter (5086)
- Classical Function compiler (4522)
- Added spherical coords functionality to plot_bloch_vector (4803)
- Add (piecewise) linear amplitude function to the circuit library (5110)
- Schedules with Parameters (5073)
- basicaer handling of global_phase. (4915)
- [WIP] Pulse Gates: Transpiler changes (part 2) (5080)
- Make InstructionScheduleMap support ParameterExpressions (4940)
- Passmanager.remove(index) (5024)
- Add Grover operator to the circuit library (4828)
- Pulse Schedule disassembler (4735)
- User API: support pulse gate calibrations (4859)

- Allow ParameterExpressions to be cast to ints (5001)

- Remove deprecated DAGNode dict constructor argument (5201)
- Drop support for python 3.5 (4926)
- Remove deprecated gate keyword arguments (4935)
- Removing deprecated gates (4593)

- substitute_node only in single-qubit gates with singleton decompositions (5225)
- Fixed issue 4697 by updating append method (4887)
- Build BlueprintCircuit before inverse and compose (5170)
- Fix in the circuit text drawer when a custom gate with even-length label is controlled (5091)
- The lookahead_swap pass is global_phase aware (5172)
- HoareOptimizer pass does preserve state between runs anymore (5138)
- fix qasm loading of sx/sxdg/u/phase (5156)
- Layout.from_intlist: Integer list length must equal number of qubits in circuit (4913)
- Circuit.mcry with mode 'basic' uses MCXVChain (4787)
- allow integer qarg in QuantumCircuit.unitary (4955)
- Fix box aspect ratio for Bloch sphere and QSphere (4893)
- Fix/5056 composite instruction to qasm (5059)
- Fix global phase for qobj assembly (5126)
- Fix handling of ancillas in functional Pauli rotations (5079)
- Fix for a rounding error in plot_state_qsphere() (4797)
- execute(..., backend=..., passmanager=...) has not conflicting args (5051)
- Fix latex circuit drawer handling of circuits without gates (5035)
- Fix random crashes on TextProgressBar (5034)
- QuantumCircuit.extend updates cached bits (5039)
- Fix DAGCircuit.compose condition map when handling multiple cregs. (5026)
- Inverse of MCX gates to include ancillae (5020)
- Fix Counts object creation with empty input (5018)
- Fix/5015 QuantumCircuit __eq__ should always return a Bool (5016)
- Fix inverse in controlled gates (4976)
- Update PhaseGate.control(n) to return MCPhaseGate (4994)
- Fix decomposition in UnitaryGate.definition for 1Q gates (4996)
- Fix pi_check not handling large numbers properly (4853)
- fixes MCPhaseGate definition (4989)
- Fix pulse transforms recursion bug fix that was lost in merge conflict (4974)
- Fix on _bloch_multivector_data (utils.py) when number of qubit is 1 (4948)
- redress global_phase in controlled UnitaryGate (4799)
- Update backend snapshots with new conf or defs (4897)
- Changed default labels for sdg, tdg, sx, and sxdg to None (4885)

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