Added - Amazon Braket backend (LocalSimulator, AWS, IonQ, Rigetti, OQC are availale) - rxx, ryy, rzz gate method of QState,DensOp,QCirc class - show, save, load method of Result class - get_bits method CMem class - Probability tools (freq2prob, entropy, kl_divergence, cross_entropy) Fixed - qulacs_gpu backend
Added - get stats of quantum circuit (frequency of each gate etc) - generate random quantum circuit - dump and load quntum circuit file - import/export OpenQASM 2.0 string/file - quantum circuit optimization by ZX-calculus (using pyzx) - equivalent judgement of 2 quantum circuits by ZX-calculus (using pyzx) Changed - default device of IBMQ backend: qasm_simulator -> aer_simulator Removed - u1,u2,u3,cu1,cu2,cu3 gates
Added - QCirc class (quantum circuit) - Result class (result of quantum circuit execution) - 'measure' method of QState, Stabilizer (one shot measuremant in computational basis) - example of "Lattice Surgery" Changed - Backend class (add run method to execute quantum circuit) Removed - QComp class
Changed - possible to create subclass of QState, DensOp, Stabilizer etc Fixed - 'apply' method of QState, DensOp - 'patrace','partial','reset' method of DensOp
Changed - performance improvement (reduce 'memcpy' etc) - no need to call 'free' method (free automatically, use 'del' to free memory explicitly) - create 'Stabilizer' instance with list of pauli products Added - 'PauliProduct' class and 'operate' method (to operate pauli product to quantum state) - 'join' method (for making tensor product of many quantum states) - elapsed time option (-etm) for command line tool ($ qlazy -qc foo.qc -etm)
Changed - Quick install supported: "pip install qlazy" - Python package name changed: 'qlazypy' --> 'qlazy' Added - New option added: 'nonzero' option of 'show' method (for printing only non-zero elements) - ex) qs = QState(2).h(0).cx(0,1);