* Add support for parsing CP2K basis sets consisting of multiple exponent sets.
* Removed the upper version bounds of ``noodles`` and ``pyparsing``.
* Remove MO padding when the requested MO range in CP2K is larger than the number of available MOs.
* Restructured the layout of the QMFlows' submodules; the old layout has been deprecated.
* The nested sub-modules ``qmflows.packages``, ``.parsers`` and ``.templates``
have been flatened somewhat.
* Removal of the ``qmflows.settings`` module; the `Settings` class should
be imported from the main ``qmflows`` namespace.
* Renaming the ``qmflows.parsers.cp2k.cp2KBasisParser`` function to ``cp2k_basis_parser``.
* Removal of the ``registry``, ``load_properties``, ``SerMolecule`` and ``SerSettings``
functions from the `qmflows.packages` namespace.
* Moving the ``example_freqs``, ``example_H2O2_TS``, ``example_generic_constraints`` and
``example_partial_geometry_opt`` functions from ``qmflows`` to the ``qmflows.examples`` namespace.
* Do not extract the CP2K version via ``cp2k.popt --version``, read it directly from the .out file.