- Django upgrade to 1.8.18 from 1.6.xx
- Model instance creation is done via Class Managers because model instace auto-save was removed to optimize memory
- The command - makemigrations is used to auto-detect model changes. It i used for building in travis
- [Django Querysets](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/2.2/ref/models/querysets/#q-objects) are implemented for data filtering
- RESTful framework added
- Serialized DFT data availability with both default [OQMD](http://oqmd.org/static/docs/models.html) and [OPTiMaDe](http://www.optimade.org/) specified keyword-sets.
- [Lark Parser](https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) to convert raw queries to logical Django Queries
- Pagination is implemented while retreiving RESTful query results
- Spglib upgraded to >1.9
- Removed dependency on pyspglib since it is no longer maintained by its developer(s)
- Significant changes to the internal implementation of Structure model, even though it's not expected to be affect the end-user
- More unit tests
- duplicate entry detection, structure transformations
- Change in UI of the landing page
- Removed the on-the-fly calculations of of entries while loading the oqmd.org main page
- Removed the twitter based phase lookup instructions since it's no longer operational
- Optimized the phase diagram and stability plot generation for compounds
- Stability plot is now generated from the PhaseData that was already collected for generating phase diagram, instead of performing a second database lookup