* ✨ **[feature]** Add support for tampered sensors (74) * 🐛 **[bugfix]** Add support for `ARM-STAY-EXIT-DELAY` partition state * ✨ **[feature]** Add support for `Tilt` sensors (78) * 🐛 **[bugfix]** handle properly when to require a user code from HA (81)
You’ll have an alarm_control_panel for each partition. If you use the alarm panel component in HA, you don't have to worry about sending commands to the panel. It'll all be auto-magiced with MQTT discovery.
* ✨ **[feature]** Add `last_error_type` and `last_error_desc` attributes to partitions (60) * ✨ **[feature]** Add `disarm_failed` counter as partition attribute (61) * ♻️ **[refactor]** deduplicate code in the ARM control classes (62) * ✨ **[feature]** Add support for `bypass` parameter when arming (63) * 🐛 **[bugfix]** Control commands weren't reading the `delay` and `bypass` parameters (66) * ✨ **[feature]** Add `qolsysgw` error sensor (68) * 🐛 **[bugfix]** config parameters shouldn't be overriden by 'None' values (69) * ♻️ **[refactor]** centralize the generation of the device payload (70) * ♻️ **[refactor]** move mac address resolution to avoid duplication (71) * ✨ **[feature]** disable by default entities that do not update (72)