
Latest version: v4.4

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* allow to set frequency dependent reference site amplification
* add annotate option to plot_sites (default: True)


* add option noise_windows_func (default: 'min', to specify function with which to determine the final noise level from individual noise levels in different noise windows
* add read_events_kwargs option, can be used to pass options to ObsPy's read_events
* add subtract_local_depth option
* if multiple picks for same phase and station -> warn only instead of skipping whole event
* fix for numpy>=1.24: remove usage of np.float
* fix case of missing reference site amplifications in source command


* allow to fix station site response to geometric mean of more than one station (for command line script)
* excluded label is now optional


* add request_window_tolerance parameter (in seconds, default 0.5) to allow for missing data at the edges of request window
* add --overwrite-conf to allow to set all available config options from the command line
* allow to set parameters for removal of response ("full" option)
* several small improvements in imaging module


* complete refactoring of Qopen script to use subcommands for the different tasks
* add source subcommand to calculate sorce spectra and derive source parameters including moment magnitude with the help of previous results
* add command line arguments to dump opt and fit pkl files for later plotting
* add command line arguments to turn all ploting on or off
* add option to plot uniform color in sds plot, do not sort events by event id in all_sds plot


* prefix option is more stringent now and adds prefix also to log file
* add option to filter event catalog, add option to resolve full SEED id, add corresponding command line options
* add option to use coda normalization, no inversion for site effects and event spectra in this case
* add option to not perform optimization, but only invert for b ("optimize": null)
* add 2 Greens functions for 3d diffusion approximation, one for exact diffusion and one usable for determining coda Q within Qopen
* add debug option (--pdb)
* use viridis_r cmap instead of hot_r cmap by default
* type of cmap can now be set with the config
* indicate number of observations with color in source displacement spectrum plots
* allow more fine grained control of plot file names with str.format method
* do not plot or calculate b and g0 for --fix-params
this fixes a bug when using --fix-params with robust mean
* fix bug when using newly introduced figsize and dpi options
* fix NaN values in json output (are converted to None aka null)
* fix warning due to conversion of masked values to nan in gmean
* add label with excluded stations in sites.pdf

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