
Latest version: v0.1.2

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We are excited to announce the first release of QRClipboard, a Python package designed to generate QR codes directly from clipboard content. This tool simplifies the process of creating QR codes, making it quick and easy to share and encode information.


- **Clipboard Integration**: Reads text content directly from your clipboard.
- **QR Code Generation**: Instantly generates and displays QR codes.
- **Easy Installation**: Simple setup and installation process using `pipx`.
- **Automation**: Includes `Makefile` and GitHub Actions for automated building and publishing.


Yes, this QR code works too :D

Check out this repository: QRClipboard


We welcome contributions! To contribute to QRClipboard, fork this repository, create a new branch, make your changes, and open a pull request.


QRClipboard is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, refer to the `LICENSE` file.


Thank you for using QRClipboard! We look forward to your feedback and contributions.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Friedjof/QRClipboard/commits/v1.0.0



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