- installer for Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04.3
- working Tutorial to introduce the main game mechanics and have a Prototype level to play
- orthogonal movement on Tile-Map (layout not random yet)
- based on Rooms
- Hallways connect Rooms
- currently not visible parts of the Map are not rendered
- neighboring Rooms are "foggy" you cannot see any details before you enter
- event based screen transitions (Fight, Shop, Riddle, Menus)
- Enemies with random Target States, constructed based on your available Circuits at the start of the Fight
- Boss with specific Target State (Bell State)
- Collectibles as rewards, shop items or Tiles on Map
- Pickups: Coin, Key, Heart
- Gates: Hadamard, X, CX, Swap
- Fighting by building your own Quantum Circuit based on a set of Qubits you have and some Gates you can freely apply to them