
Latest version: v0.4.0.1

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Bug Fixes:
- Fixed TypeError in the message() method (because its name began to intersect with the setting responsible for displaying the message entry);
- A bug of possible unpredictable behavior of the Logger has been fixed, since when creating the second object, a link to the existing one is returned, but \_\_init\_\_() is still called, and in case of switching to HTML format or changing other settings, unexpected behavior of the program could occur (just re-initialization of the class was excluded);
- Fixed a bug in the save() method of the TextBufferType class and inherited classes: the fact is that TextBuffer overrides the method with the addition of the `clean` argument, which is not in the parent abstract TextBufferType class - now it (the argument) is defined in all classes;
- Fixed a bug when the buffer is created in advance: now there is a check if the buffer object exists; if it exists, the link is saved to the logger and a log is written that the buffer is borrowed, otherwise a new buffer is created.

- Updated documentation;
- Wrote the actual README.md, DATA.md and APPLYING.md (which corresponds to the current version).

- Renamed the repository to mighty_logger;
- Translated the names of the recording methods from the Upper case format to the Lower case format;
- Added a new ReCreationException that is thrown when an object of a class inherited from Singleton is re-created;
- The settings system has been completely changed.


- Updated annotation of modules and packages.

- The TextBufferBase class has been moved to the qt_colored_logger.basic package in the new text_buffer_type.py module and renamed to TextBufferType;
- Optimized the Logger class;
- Completed the LogEnvironments format and usage;
- Removed LoggerQ class and html_colored_logger.py module;
- Accounted for environment in the set_color() function in the Logger class;
- The colored_logger.py module has been renamed to powerful_logger.py and moved to the library root;
- Removed the empty qt_colored_logger.logger package;
- Renamed the library to mighty_logger.


- _html_initialized_data() attached to _initialized_data();
- _assemble_html_entry() attached to _assemble_entry();
- Implemented LogEnvironment enumeration with Console and HTML values;
- The abstract class TextBufferBase is implemented as a type for buffers (it was necessary to combine two buffers BasicTextBuffer and TextBuffer);
- The Logger class has been rewritten;
- The LoggerQ class is hidden;


- Split README.md, cutting DATA.md and APPLYING.md out of it;
- Published a plan for the next updates in README.md;
- Updated documentation;
- Wrote the actual README.md, DATA.md and APPLYING.md (which corresponds to the current version).

- Added a package qt_colored_logger.text;
- Added TextBuffer (used for console) to qt_colored_logger.text package;
- Added BasicTextBuffer (used with HTML) to qt_colored_logger.text package;
- Loggers moved from qt_colored_logger root package to nested qt_colored_logger.logger;
- Entry methods rewritten - now they do not return strings of entries, but add them to the text buffer;
- Returned protected modules, making them fully available;
- Added blanks for the next updates;
- Reworked the principle of forming strings of records in the BasicLogger, getting rid of the string variable;
- Added get_buffer() method in loggers.


- Updated documentation;
- Wrote the actual README.md (which corresponds to the current version).

- Added support for inverting colors in posts (console);
- Added support for backgrounds in posts (console, HTML);
- Completely redesigned and written from scratch logger color table;
- Logger included AnsiColorSetInit;
- LoggerQ included HtmlColorSetInitQ;
- Removed list of default colors;
- Post types categorized:
- Debugging (%);
- Event (~);
- Message ();
- Error (!);
- Process (&).
- Argument names are now required;
- Added an introductory line with system initialized information;
- Added a global enable background setting;
- Started work on the text buffer;
- Added new CombinationException.


Bug Fixes:
- Fixed old calls to Singleton and BasicLogger to new _Singleton and _BasicLogger in HtmlColorSetInitQ, LoggerQ, AnsiColorSetInit and Logger classes;
- Fixed a bug in the setColor() method of the AnsiColorSetInit class, where the value of the new argument was not passed to the Dec2Ansi() function after changing the GetAnsiFormat() function.

- Wrote the actual README.md (which takes into account changes in versions v0.2.0 and v0.2.1);
- Fixed a bug in the annotation of the setColor() method of the HtmlColorSetInitQ class;
- Changed the order of the changelog - now it goes in direct order from top to bottom (easy to read and understand), and not from bottom to top.

- Renamed the GetAnsi() function to GetAnsiFormat(), implemented the _RecursiveGetAnsiFormat() helper function for it - now GetAnsiFormat() takes the path to the ANSI escape code value, recursively traverses the tree and returns the ANSI escape code value, which helps to make the code easier to understand and speed up development programs when using the library; here are some examples:
print(f"{AnsiFormat['color']['set']['background'].replace('$', '255;165;0')}Test string")
print(f"{AnsiFormat['reset']['on']}Test string")

print(f"{GetAnsiFormat('color/set/background/255;255;255')}Test string")
print(f"{GetAnsiFormat('reset/on')}Test string")

- Renamed the AnsiForegroundColor() function to AnsiColor() - if earlier the function returned only the color of the text (the usual foreground), now you can specify any of the five plans (this is necessary for the next update, where I will add a change not only to the color, but also to the background of the logs):
1. foreground
2. background
3. bright foreground
4. bright background
5. underline
- Adapted the Dec2Ansi() and Hex2Ansi() functions to the modified AnsiColor();
- Protected the qt_colored_logger/basic directory - now it is called qt_colored_logger/_basic: you can still use its functionality, but now, according to the agreement, the IDE will issue a warning; *remember - protected modules are designed only for use inside the library*;
- The structure of the qt_colored_logger/_basic protected directory has been slightly changed;
- Changed names of keys in "AnsiFormat/font" dictionary from "1th alternative", "2th alternative" and "3th alternative" to "1st alternative", "2nd alternative" and "3rd alternative" respectively.

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