
Latest version: v0.6.0

Safety actively analyzes 714815 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- `widgets.window.BaseWindow`


- `widgets.ToolButton` requires a 'PySide6.QtWidgets.QPushButton' object but received a 'ToolButton'
- `widgets.FramelessWindow` '__init__' method of object's base class (FramelessWindow) not called.



- `widgets.dialogs.MaskDialog` close button title bar.
- `widgets.SpinBox`
- `widgets.DoubleSpinBox`
- `services.parse_css_linear_gradient`
- `utils.maths.deg_to_coordinates`
- `core.AbstractBase` handle add Methods in **kwargs
- `tools.qtgui`
- ActionGroup
- Clipboard
- DoubleValidator
- Drag
- GuiApplication
- InputDevice
- InputMethod
- IntValidator
- OffscreenSurface
- OpenGLContext
- OpenGLContextGroup
- PaintDeviceWindow
- PdfWriter
- PointingDevice
- PyTextObject
- RasterWindow
- RegularExpressionValidator
- Screen
- SessionManager
- Shortcut
- StandardItemModel
- StyleHints
- SyntaxHighlighter
- TextBlockGroup
- TextDocument
- TextFrame
- TextList
- TextObject
- TextTable
- UndoGroup
- UndoStack
- Validator
- Window
- BackingStore
- Bitmap
- ColorSpace
- ConicalGradient
- Cursor
- DesktopServices
- Font
- GlyphRun
- Gradient
- Image
- ImageIOHandler
- ImageReader
- ImageWriter
- LinearGradient
- PageLayout
- PagedPaintDevice
- PaintEngine
- Painter
- PainterPathStroker
- Palette
- Pen
- Picture
- Pixmap
- Quaternion
- RadialGradient
- Rgba64
- RhiBuffer
- RhiColorAttachment
- RhiCommandBuffer
- RhiComputePipeline
- RhiDepthStencilClearValue
- RhiGraphicsPipeline
- RhiReadbackDescription
- RhiRenderBuffer
- RhiRenderTarget
- RhiSampler
- RhiScissor
- RhiShaderResourceBindings
- RhiShaderStage
- RhiSwapChain
- RhiSwapChainRenderTarget
- RhiTexture
- RhiTextureCopyDescription
- RhiTextureRenderTarget
- RhiTextureRenderTargetDescription
- RhiTextureSubresourceUploadDescription
- RhiTextureUploadDescription
- RhiTextureUploadEntry
- RhiVertexInputAttribute
- RhiVertexInputBinding
- RhiVertexInputLayout
- RhiViewport
- Shader
- ShaderCode
- ShaderKey
- ShaderVersion
- StandardItem
- StaticText
- SurfaceFormat
- TextBlock
- TextBlockFormat
- TextCharFormat
- TextCursor
- TextDocumentWriter
- TextFormat
- TextFrameFormat
- TextImageFormat
- TextInlineObject
- TextLayout
- TextLine
- TextListFormat
- TextOption
- TextTableCell
- TextTableCellFormat
- TextTableFormat
- UndoCommand
- Vector2D
- Vector3D
- Vector4D

- QAnimationGroup
- QBuffer
- QConcatenateTablesProxyModel
- QCoreApplication
- QEventLoop
- QFileDevice
- QFileSelector
- QFileSystemWatcher
- QIODevice
- QIdentityProxyModel
- QItemSelectionModel
- QLibrary
- QMimeData
- QPauseAnimation
- QPluginLoader
- QProcess
- QSaveFile
- QSharedMemory
- QSignalMapper
- QSocketNotifier
- QSortFilterProxyModel
- QStringListModel
- QTemporaryFile
- QThread
- QThreadPool
- QTimeLine
- QTimer
- QTranslator
- QTransposeProxyModel
- QVariantAnimation

- `widgets`
- AbstractButton
- AbstractItemView
- AbstractScrollArea
- AbstractSlider
- AbstractSpinBox
- CalendarWidget
- CheckBox
- ColorDialog
- ColumnView
- ComboBox
- CommandLinkButton
- DateEdit
- DateTimeEdit
- Dial
- Dialog
- DialogButtonBox
- DockWidget
- DoubleSpinBox
- ErrorMessage
- FileDialog
- FocusFrame
- FontComboBox
- FontDialog
- GraphicsProxyWidget
- GraphicsView
- GraphicsWidget
- GroupBox
- HeaderView
- InputDialog
- KeySequenceEdit
- LCDNumber
- ListView
- ListWidget
- MdiArea
- MdiSubWindow
- MenuBar
- MessageBox
- PlainTextEdit
- ProgressBar
- ProgressDialog
- RadioButton
- RubberBand
- ScrollBar
- Slider
- SpinBox
- SplashScreen
- Splitter
- SplitterHandle
- StatusBar
- TabBar
- TabWidget
- TableView
- TableWidget
- TextBrowser
- TextEdit
- TimeEdit
- ToolBar
- ToolBox
- TreeView
- TreeWidget
- UndoView
- Wizard
- WizardPage


- `widgets.dialogs.TeachingTipDialog` improved
- `core.AbstractDialog` improved
- `tools.Settings` improved system detecting
- `tools.CopyProgress` improved
- `core.AbstractBase` improved


- `tools.Alignment` has been moved to `utils.Alignment`
- `tools.Modifiers` has been moved to `utils.Modifiers`
- `core.AbstractWidget` 'long_press' signal has been renamed to long_pressed


- `tools.Settings` **_set_default_path**, when system equal to windows



- `animations.ParallelAnimationGroup`
- `animations.SequentialAnimationGroup`
- `tools.Brush`


- `Qtica.animation` has been renamed to `Qtica.animations`
- `tools.painters` has been moved to the main directory of Qtica `Qtica.painters`
- `layouts.GridLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.GridLayoutWrapper`
- `layouts.VLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.VLayoutWrapper`
- `layouts.HLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.HLayoutWrapper`
- `layouts.RowLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.RowLayoutWrapper`
- `layouts.ColumnLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.ColumnLayoutWrapper`
- `layouts.FormLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.FormLayoutWrapper`
- `layouts.BorderLayoutItemWrapper` has been moved to `tools.wrappers.BorderLayoutWrapper`
- `tools.AbstractConfig` has been moved to `core.AbstractConfig`
- `widgets.container` has been renamed to `widgets.frame`


- `utils.colors`
- `enums.teaching_tip_tails`
- `enums.animation`
- `enums.clipboard`
- `enums.smooth_scroll`



- `core.Api.fetch` \type argument has been renamed to qtype
- `widgets.MovieView` has been moved and renamed to `tools.Movie`
- `tools.EnvVar` has been moved to `utils.EnvVar`
- `widgets.Application` list_styles has been renamed to style_list
- `core.WidgetBase` has been renamed to `AbstractWidget`
- `core.ObjectBase` has been renamed to `AbstractQObject`
- `core.BehavioDeclarative` has been renamed to `BehavioDec`
- `core.QStyleSheet` has been moved to `utils.QStyleSheet`
- `core.WidgetDeclarative` has been renamed to `WidgetDec`
- `core.ObjectDeclarative` has been renamed to `QObjectDec`
- `core.TrackingDeclarative` has been renamed to TrackingDec`
- `utils.colors.get_image_average_color` has been renamed to `imageAverageColor`
- `utils.colors.imageAverageColor` return `QColor` type insted `list[int]`
- `utils.colors.get_color_from_hex` has been renamed to `hexToColor`
- `utils.colors.get_hex_from_color` has been renamed to `colorToHex`
- `utils.colors.get_random_color` has been renamed to `randomColor`
- `enums.TeachingTipTailPositions` has been renamed to `TeachingTipTailPos`
- `widgets.ScrollArea` child can know accepted `QLayout` Objects
- `core.AbstractBase.get` has been renamed to `fetch`
- `utils.colors.Contrast.color_type` has been renamed to `color_mode`
- `core.AbstractPainter._repaint` has been renamed to `repaint`
- `core.AbstractPainter._paint` has been renamed to `_paint`
- `core.AbstractPainter._super_paintEvent` has been renamed to `super_paintEvent`


- `core.AbstractBase` events keyword, now can accept methods without 'Event' suffix
- `enums.EnvVars`, some variables added
- `core.AbstractWidget` - `core.AbstractWidget` Now you can add an event method without writing the 'Event' suffix, and the class will auto-detect the method.
- `utils.Routes` add support for QStackedLayout


- `core.Api.fetch` Improve QObject Finder
- `utils.colors.ImageColors.most_common` change from property to method
- `core.AbstractDec` saving uid for objects how was have `objectName` method.


- supporting for PySide6.{5,6}.x versions
- `widgets.IconWidget` support `QMovie` animation image.
- `core.AbstractWidget` long_press Signal
- `core.AbstractBase.enable_event_stack`, know you can stack a widget event.
- `sys_tray.py` to examples folder.
- `stack.py` to examples folder.
- `core.AbstractIcons`
- `core.AbstractTool`
- `core.AbstractPainter`
- `core.AbstractDec`
- `utils.theme_detect` forked to be Qtica built-in module
- `layouts.ColumnLayout`
- `layouts.ColumnLayoutItemWrapper`
- `layouts.RowLayout`
- `layouts.RowLayoutItemWrapper`
- `layouts.BorderLayout`
- `layouts.BorderLayoutItemWrapper`
- `core.Api.dec_fetch`
- `enums.Theme`
- `services.showDialog`
- `services.TakeScreenShot`
- `services.UrlOpen`
- `tools.SystemTray`
- `tools.Action`
- `widgets.Stack`
- `tools.Pen`
- `painters.CircularProgressPaint`
- `core.AbstractDialog`
- `widgets.dialogs.TeachingTipDialog`
- `tools.action.LinePasswordAction`



- `utils.caseconverter`, forking `caseconverter` module to be as built-in


- moving pynput from dependencies to extras dependence.


- `requirements.txt`, we don't need it anymore, you can use poetry to install requirements.



- `widgets.HLine`, Horizontal Frame widget.
- `widgets.VLine`, Vertical Frame widget.
- `widgets.ToolButton` PySide6 Built-in QToolButton
- `core.QStyleSheet` restore_qss method to restore last Qss value after update_qss call with save=False.
- `tools.StatusEdgePaint` corner option.
- `widgets.MainWindow`, `widgets.FramelessWindow`, `widgets.RoutingWindow` sys_tray parameter.
- `widgets.Menu`, fork for PySide6.QtWidgets.QMenu.
- `tools.Action` fork for PySide6.QtGui.QAction.
- `utils.colors`
- `core.AbstractBase` `methods` parameter.
- `core.AbstractTool`, `core.ToolBase`
- `core.AbstractIcon`, `core.IconBase`
- `core.AbstractPainter`, `core.PainterBase`


- `tools.Painter` `__init__` return parent widget, you can now return from subclasses.
- `core.Return`, we dont't need it any more!


- `layouts.HLayout`, and `layouts.VLayout` now you can add `QSpacerItem`, and `QLayoutItem` widget types to children
- `core.QStyleSheet` improve Qss Parser.
- `core.QStyleSheet` qss now accepting json files.
- `widgets.LineEdit` password_mode parameter, add password echo mode support
- `widgets.SlidingStackedWidget` now children parameter support Route


- `tools.Icon` default color value -1, when color is None
- `core.Api.fetch` method NoneType error when fetching `PySide6.QtWidgets.QApplication` class type.


- `tools.PaintStatusEdge` to `tools.StatusEdgePaint`
- `tools.ObjectBase` to `tools.QObjectBase`
- `widgets.QuickWidget` parameter `file` to `qml`
- `widgets.QuickView` parameter `file` to `qml`

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