Breaking Changes
- The `` has been dropped in favor of `` which can
take an integer or the value `"auto"`. (3)
- So tabs can either be of fixed width or have an automatic flex-width based
on available space. Check the docs for more details.
Features & Improvements
- A new interaction mode called `container-select-mode` is now available that lets you
visually select parents/containers of windows and invoke split/tab operations over
larger areas.
- A new section has been [added in the visual guide]( to demonstrate this.
- Check the [commands docs]( for details on the 3 new commands added for this mode.
- A new `BonsaiBar` widget is available for use on the qtile bar. It can act as a replacement for the `Bonsai` layout's built-in tab-bar for the outermost/top-level tabs. It also has an indicator for when `branch-select-mode` is active. (5)
- A [new documentation section]( has been added for it.
- Two new commands - `focus_nth_tab()`, `focus_nth_window()` - are now available that
allow faster access to tabs/windows via keybindings. They provide params that allow
contextual nth selections.
- Two new sections have been [added in the visual guide]( to demonstrate them.
- Check the [commands docs]( for details.
- There is now basic mouse support - clicking on individual tabs on tab-bars will activate
the corresponding tab. (4)
- When there are no windows open yet, and `spawn_split()` is invoked, it now conveniently
creates the first window. Previously you had to start things off with a `spawn_tab()`.
- A new config option `` is available that lets you control the
title on tabs via a callback function.
- For example, you could configure it to have the title of the focused window
under the tab. Check the docs for the signature and a sample implementation.
- The default colors for borders and tab background/foregrounds have been tweaked to be a
little more vivid.