!!! Python version breakage !!!
- Python 3.5 and 3.6 are no longer supported
!!! Config breakage !!!
- Pacman widget has been removed. Use CheckUpdates instead.
- Mpris widget has been removed. Use Mpris2 instead.
- property "masterWindows" of Tile layout renamed to master_length
- Match objects now only allow one string argument for their wm
name/class/etc. properties. to update your config, do e.g.
Group('www', spawn='firefox', layout='xmonad',
- matches=[Match(wm_class=['Firefox', 'google-chrome', 'Google-chrome'])]),
+ matches=[Match(wm_class='Firefox'), Match(wm_class='google-chrome'), Match(wm_class='Google-chrome')]),
- properties wname, wmclass and role of Slice-layout replaced by Match-
type property "match"
- rules specified in `layout.Floating`'s `float_rules` are now evaluated with
AND-semantics instead of OR-semantics, i.e. if you specify 2 different
property rules, both have to match
- check the new `float_rules` for `floating_layout` in the default config and
extend your own rules appropriately: some non-configurable auto-floating rules
were made explicit and added to the default config
- using `dict`s for `layout.Floating`'s `float_rules` is now deprecated, please
use `config.Match` objects instead
- `no_reposition_match` in `layout.Floating` has been removed; use the list of
`config.Match`-objects `no_reposition_rules` instead
- Command line has been modernized to a single entry point, the `qtile`
binary. Translations are below:
qtile -> qtile start
qtile-cmd -> qtile cmd-obj
qtile-run -> qtile run-cmd
qtile-top -> qtile top
qshell -> qtile shell
iqshell and dqtile-cmd are no longer distributed with the
package, as they were either user or developer scripts. Both are
still available in the qtile repo in /scripts.
Running `qtile` without arguments will continue to work for the
forseeable future, but will be eventually deprecated. qtile prints a
warning when run in this configuration.
- Qtile.cmd_focus_by_click is no longer an available command.
- Qtile.cmd_get_info is no longer an available command.
- libqtile.command_* has been deprecated, it has been moved to
- libqtile.widget.base.ThreadedPollText has been removed; out of tree
widgets can use ThreadPoolText in the same package instead.
- the YahooWeather widget was removed since Yahoo retired their free
tier of the weather API
- Deprecated hook `window_name_change` got removed, use
`client_name_updated` instead.
- show_state attribute from WindowName widget has been removed. Use format attribute instead.
show_state = True -> format = '{state}{name}'
show_state = False -> format = '{name}'
- mouse_callbacks no longer receives the qtile object as an argument
(they receive no arguments); import it via `from libqtile import
qtile` instead.
* features
- new WidgetBox widget
- new restart and shutdown hooks
- rules specified in `layout.Floating`'s `float_rules` are now evaluated with
AND-semantics, allowing for more complex and specific rules
- Python 3.9 support
- switch to Github Actions for CI
- Columns layout has new `margin_on_single` option to specify margin
size when there is only one window (default -1: use `margin` option).
- new OpenWeather widget to replace YahooWeather
- new format attribute for WindowName widget
- new max_chars attribute for WindowName widget
- libqtile now exports type information
- add a new `qtile check` subcommand, which will check qtile configs
for various things:
- validates configs against the newly exported type information
if mypy is present in the environment
- validates that qtile can import the config file (e.g. that
syntax is correct, ends in a .py extension, etc.)
- validates Key and Mouse mod/keysym arguments are ok.
- Columns layout now enables column swapping by using swap_column_left and swap_column_right
!!! warning !!!
- When (re)starting, Qtile passes its state to the new process in a
file now, where previously it passed state directly as a string. This
fixes a bug where some character encodings (i.e. in group names) were
getting messed up in the conversion to/from said string. This change
will cause issues if you update Qtile then restart it, causing the
running old version to pass state in the previous format to the new
process which recognises the new.