
Latest version: v0.0.11

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- Talker -t And talker -d To Tune & Drop Talker Channels. [emsenn]

- Whatami Command, Tells Client Their Class. [emsenn]

- Added qtmud.services.Talker.replace_client_object(client, object)

- Connected Clients Informed Of New Connections. [emsenn]

- Addition Of `tell` Client Command. [emsenn]


- Documentation & Linting of ./qtmud/__init__.py. [emsenn]


- Fixed Issue 30. [emsenn]

Clients are now added to ``qtmud.connected_clients`` after they get their password right.

- Fixed Issue 31, Multiword Tells Now Work. [emsenn]

- Fixed Clients Tuning In Repeatedly To Talker Channels. [emsenn]

Also bolded some output and stopped making log directories if one wasn't given.


- Merge branch 'feature/mudlib-support' into develop. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.8' into develop. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.8' [emsenn]




- Added Development Flow to Development Docs. [emsenn]

- Documented Parameters in ``qtmud.cmds`` [emsenn]

- Added Tests for qtmud.cmds. [emsenn]

Also preparing to use gitchangelog to aid with versioning moving


- Merge branch 'master' into develop. [emsenn]

- Cleaner Shutdown/Startup. [emsenn]

Added --logdir and --datadir options to `./bin/qtmud_run`

Also fixed bugs 21 and 23

- Codecov YML Addition. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:emsenn/qtmud. [emsenn]

- Update .travis.yml. [emsenn]

- Update .travis.yml. [emsenn]

- Start of qtmud.cmds Test Cases. [emsenn]

- Added Code Climate Integration to Travis CI. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:emsenn/qtmud. [emsenn]

- Delete environment.pickle. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.7' [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.6' [emsenn]

First real package, I think? I hope. I'm sorry to anyone reading this
from the future, I am a newbie.

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.7' into develop. [emsenn]



- V0.0.7: Doc Refactor & client_disconnect Fix. [emsenn]

- Doc Refactoring, Fixed client_disconnect Bug. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.6' into develop. [emsenn]



- First "Good" Packaging Release. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'master' into release/0.0.6. [emsenn]

I messed up the git flow whoops

- Some random cleanups. [emsenn]

- Documentation Update - Removed mudlib docs. [emsenn]

- Fixed Broken MUDSocket Test. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Added CodeClimate Badge to README.md. [emsenn]

- Transition to Package. [emsenn]

Shifting qtMUD into being an acceptable Python package.

- Code Coverage? [emsenn]

- Fixed ./data/ not being in git. [emsenn]

- More Cards. [emsenn]

And a few other trivial changes.

- More Fireside Cards. [emsenn]

Cleaning up of Fireside code, too

- Require sudo in Travis CI. [emsenn]

Travis-CI doesn't like that we require brlapi, and while I could just
remove the requirement, we are going to need it eventually.

- Added requirements.txt. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:emsenn/qtmud. [emsenn]

- Update README.md. [emsenn]

- Travis CI Scripts. [emsenn]

Simple tests for Travis CI? Maybe? I don't get how it works.

- Fireside Documentation. [emsenn]

Built and added Fireside documentation.

- Attempted Fix for ReadTheDocs error. [emsenn]

error was Could not import extension sphinx.ext.githubpages (exception:
No module named githubpages)

this is what google said would help

- PEP8 Updates & Fireside Cards. [emsenn]

- Fireside Mudlib. [emsenn]

Simple cardgame mudlib and some edits to qtmud methods

- Basic Talker Service. [emsenn]

A really basic and lazy implementation of a talker service.

- Reduction of Dependence on Starhopper. [emsenn]

qtMUD, through refactoring, became dependent on Starhopper methods.

This fixes some of that./

- Documentation Hotfix Part Three. [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:emsenn/qtmud. [emsenn]

- Merge pull request 16 from emsenn/develop. [emsenn]


- Merge pull request 14 from emsenn/develop. [emsenn]


- Merge branch 'release/0.0.4' [emsenn]

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.3' [emsenn]

Release of version 0.0.3 to master woooo

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.4' into develop. [emsenn]



- Bump to version 0.0.4. [emsenn]

- .gitignore hotfix. [emsenn]

- Documentation Hotfix. [emsenn]

- Documentation Cleanup, Separating Client and Ship in Starhopper.

Title about says it all.

- Mirrored Starhopper Structure in Qtmud. [emsenn]

Updated qtmud to use a package structure more in line with the updated
starhopper structure.

- Bringing Back Documentation. [emsenn]

It's back! and less messy than ever!

- Deleted Broken Documentation, Refactored Starhopper. [emsenn]

The documentation wasn't rendering right so I just got rid of it.

also, refactored starhopper. Need to shuffle qtmud to match,
unfortunately. New system is way better, though.

- Merge branch 'feature/diceroller' into develop. [emsenn]

Got a little carried away with this feature

- Starhopper Update. [emsenn]

Got frustrated with trying to buy a full MMORPG in one go so made a
dinky little space adventure game.

- Migration to Game Library. [emsenn]

I realized a lot of stuff was in qtmud that was better suited for the
specific libraries - not every game that gets built is going to want a
"say" command, for instance.

- Refactor. [emsenn]

It finally clicked with me what people were saying about organizing the
engine differently, so this is me shuffling around toward doing that.

A lot of functionality is broken but I like the new direction.

- Changed Thing's search methods, restructured lib. [emsenn]

I know it looks like a lot of changes but it's really not much.

- Swordsmanship, Healthful, Acting Qualities in Lib. [emsenn]

A few qualities to make use of the diceroller.

Not pleased with any of this code but it's better than nothing.

- Merge branch 'feature/noise' into develop. [emsenn]

Noises basically work, even if their trigger mechanism is a bit simple.

- Failed to add changes to last commit. [emsenn]


- Fixed Issue 9 & Added Documentation Theme. [emsenn]

Fixed Issue 9, where clients weren't removed from their location
when they disconnect.

Also, added cute little Tumblebeasts to the documentation!

- Additions to Library: Ye Olde Tavern. [emsenn]

made ye olde tavern less of a filler thing and more of a real thing.

- Documentation for Noisemaker. [emsenn]

- Noisy quality, Noisemaker service. [emsenn]

Noisy things randomly send messages to things in their environment
through the Noisemaker service.

This is a rough draft and probably hella buggy, and also has like NO
documentation, but hey, it's progress.

- Learning, Teaching Qualities. [emsenn]

Learning quality which lets things use learn from qualities with the

Teaching quality which adds qualities in the teacher's
teachable_qualities to the learner.

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.3' into develop. [emsenn]

NLTK-based parser, Prehensile, Hearing Qualities, Sender service



- Missed adding updated __init__.py. [emsenn]

Forgot to add this to the last commit ffs

- Bumping things up to version 0.0.3. [emsenn]

Note to self: remember to rebuild documentation during *this* part of
the release process, not when closing a feature branch.

- Merge branch 'feature/textblob' into develop. [emsenn]

Fancier parsing, more qualities, expanded library.

- Documentation Update. [emsenn]

Rebuilt the Sphinx autodocumentation.

- Prehensile Quality, Hearing Quality. [emsenn]

Fixed adjectives, added a Prehensile quality that lets Things with it
'take' objects, which moves them from where they are into the contents
of the prehensile thing.

Also added the Hearing quality, which lets things listen. Added the
sounds string to Renderable quality.

- Sender Service, Fixing Commands. [emsenn]

A lot of commands broke when I set up the new parser, this fixes a fair
chunk of them, but certainly not all.

I also created the Sender service, which does basically what the
Renderer service does. Leaving the Renderer service for now, because it
will probably be used to format scenes (which maybe should be called
frames lol) for users.

- Implementing Natural Language Toolkit. [emsenn]

Changed qtmud.services.Parser to have the parse_line() function, which
uses the TextBlob package to do some basic parts of speech tagging on
player lines, to try and suss out what things the player might be
talking about.

It's functional in this commit, but uncommented and not fully
implemented. Check the Sighted quality's look() method for an example

- Merge branch 'feature/nametags' into develop. [emsenn]

The basic nametags code is finished. There's probably some parts of the
code which don't use it, though, so be careful.

- Applicative Fix. [emsenn]

After talking with a friend and having the difference between
applicative and imperative methods explained, made some changes to
make the applicative methods more, well, applicative. Also fixed some
older lines that were outdated but not throwing errors.

- Thing.search('target') method. [emsenn]

Added a simple method for looking around a thing's potential environment
to find a match for 'target', intended to be a nametag'

- Library Expansion. [emsenn]

Lots of MUDs let you 'look at <thing in room>', even if that thing isn't a
real "item", something you can interact with. A cobblestone road might let
you 'look cobbles', for example, even though you can't do anything beside
look at the cobbles. Normally this requires a weird archaic syntax to work.

because of the granular nature of qualities, these fake-but-still-observable
items are easy to make, by making a new item and applying the "Renderable"
quality to it.

The downside is that this means a new thing is instanced for every lookable
thing in every room, which could cause memory problems down the line.

However, I think the extensibility and power this gives the engine is way
worth that potential cost. Normally it's a big commitment in MUD development
to move a thing from a lookable to a genuine item - normally a complete
rewrite. In this case, however, it's as simple as

- Better Nametags Documentation. [emsenn]

Added some notes on how to use nametags

- Implemented Nametags. [emsenn]

Nametags are a new thing-level attribute, and are used to find a
thing if you only have some names it might respond to. (For example
a client has the nametags 'client', 'player', 'thing', and their name
(if they've set one).

I also added a __setattr__ function to qtmud.Thing, so that
qtmud.qualities.Renderable. Essentially, if a thing has a
set_attr() function, the thing will use that when attr is being
set, rather than the type default.

- "inventory" Command & Method in Container Quality. [emsenn]

Added the inventory() method to the Container quality, and changed
its apply() method to add the 'inventory' command to that container
if it is also Commandable.

- Never Forget Holiday Update. [emsenn]

qtmud's first holiday update! Added a memorial to commemorate September
11th. Also modified the look command so that people can actually look
at the memorial.

- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:emsenn/qtmud into develop.

- Merge branch 'develop' [emsenn]

Documentation hotfix

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.2' [emsenn]

continued shifting of core functions, establishment of real
documentation using Sphinx, and starting to solidify library-building

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.1' [emsenn]

First release version, though I use that term very loosely. It should
run, and the documentation should explain what the code does, but don't
expect anything close to gameplay.

- Merge branch 'feature/renderer' into develop. [emsenn]

Set up a renderer service, among other small changes

- Documentation Update. [emsenn]

Just some documentation expansion before bed.

- Cleaning up Qualities. [emsenn]

The last commit rolled out changes to the command backend pretty
quickly. This commit cleans a lot of that up, and expands the new
Sphinx-friendly docstrings through more of the code.

- Added Scene Rendering. [emsenn]

Created a new service at qtmud.services.renderer to handle scheduled
events for sending information to clients. This makes sure clients
aren't getting messages too soon - such as building a room description
with 'look' for a room the player just left.

Currently, only the 'look' function in the Sighted quality makes use
of render. Other places where things are currently being sent through
the Client's send() function will be fixed in later commits.

- Documentation Hotfix. [emsenn]

Documentation wasn't linking to source properly, reworked the
configuration files so it would.

- Merge branch 'release/0.0.2' into develop. [emsenn]

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