* frontend/devices: Fixed slave device polling update issue.
* frontend/ports/port-history-chart-page: Navigating to future is now prohibited.
* frontend/ports/port-history-chart-page: Added support for specifying custom min/max options for chart.
* slaves: Listening/polling requests are now retried before considering the device offline.
What's new (since 0.22.x):
* core: Reorganized some packages to further prevent circular import issues.
* core/api: Added support for history API.
* core/api: Port values are now applied in the background when restoring from backup.
* core/api: Date attribute is now ignored on `PUT /device` (i.e. when restoring from backup).
* core/expressions: Added more date/time-related functions: `MDINTERVAL`, `MILLISECOND`, `DATE`, `BOY`, `BOM`, `BOW`, `BOD`.
* core/expressions: Added optional timestamp argument to date unit functions.
* core/expressions: Added automated tests for all functions.
* core/history: Port historical data is now removed in a background thread to prevent blocking.
* core/main: Updating process is now suspended until core is ready.
* core/main: Updating process is now suspended while restoring from backup.
* core/ports: Id mapping no longer applies to virtual ports.
* frontend: Fixed dashboard refreshing on backup/restore.
* frontend: Added charts support for viewing port historical data.
* frontend: Increased restore procedure timeout to 5 minutes.
* peripherals: Increased default pending tasks queue to 64.
* persist: Various fixes & improvements.
* persist: Fixed various bugs related to custom DB ids.
* persist: Added support for PostgreSQL.
* persist: Added automated tests for all drivers.
* persist/redis: Fixed replace function error when dealing with empty records.
* slaves: Specified timeout is now used when forwarding API calls to slave devices.
* slaves: Fixed `PortNotFound` wrong exception message.
* slaves/api: `PUT /devices` API call now waits for slaves to come online.
* Added automated tests infrastructure.
* Refactored startup/shutdown code.