Bugfixes: - corrected colorless switch to have ON/OFF option (default ON) - ``qstat_q`` didn’t recognize some faulty cpu time entries - now descriptions are in white, as before.
Enhancements: - Queues in the job accounting summary section are now coloured
Enhancements: - command-line arguments (mostly empty for now)! - non-numbered WNs can now be displayed instead of numbered WN IDs
New features: - implement colorless switch ``(-c)``
Bugfixes: - fixed issue with single named WN - better regex pattern and algorithm for catching complicated numbered WN domain names
New features: - handles cases of non-numbered WNs (e.g. fruit names) - parses more complex domain names (with more than one dash)
Bugfixes: - correction in WN ID numbers display (tens were problematic for larger numbers)
Bugfixes: - colour implementation for all of the tables
Bugfixes: - Exiting when there are two jobs on the same core reported on pbsnodes (remapping functionality to be added) - Number of WNs >1000 is now handled
Bugfixes: - fixed some names not being detected (``%``,``=`` chars missing from regex)
Enhancements: - changed name to ``qtop``, introduced configuration file ``qtop.conf`` and colormap file ``qtop.colormap``