Changs from the previous release: ([diff](
- changed the minimum required versoin of AlphaTwirl to 0.20.0
- renamed the 1st argument of `qtwirl()` `file` `data`
- updated `reader_cfg`
- now `reader` can be a list of readers
- changes in `table_cfg`
- renamed keys
- `keyAttrNames` -> `key_name`
- `keyIndices` -> `key_index`
- `binnings` -> `key_binning`
- `keyOutColumnNames` -> `key_out_name`
- `valAttrNames` -> `val_name`
- `valIndices` -> `val_index`
- `summaryClass` -> `agg_class`
- `summaryColumnNames` -> `agg_name`
- added new keys: `store_file`, `file_path`, `file_name`,
- changes in `selection_cfg`
- now the full form is `dict(condition=condition)`
- added new keys: `store_file`, `file_path`, `file_name`,
`file_dir`, `count`
- added option to make cutflow table
- added option to store results to files
- reorganized directory structure, created new private sub-packages
`_parser` and `_builder`
- added ``pytest.ini`` file