
Latest version: v0.4.1

Safety actively analyzes 707299 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Added roic and roce to the summary sheet.


* Added a summary sheet as the first sheet of a workbook.
This is conditionally formatted to highlight the best and worst
values for each of the summarized metrics of each ticker in the
The summary table is an excel table and thus each column can be sorted
to put best on top or worst on top.


* Added the working capital value from the balance sheet
Note: For finance companies and REITS this is not provided by the API.


* Added some metrics favored by Kenneth J Marshall, author of
"Good Stocks Cheap: Value investing with confidence for a lifetime of
Stock Market Outperformance"


* Refactored by using and manipulating the pandas dataframe as it'a returned from
quandl/Sharadar. The dates are rows and the columns are the "observations"
ie the revenue, income etc. The dataframe is transposed prior to writing to
excel so that the data is in the typically viewed format of dates as columns
and the observations as rows.


* Check for the presence of the QUANDL_API_SF0_KEY or the QUANDL_API_SF1_KEY
environment variable depending on which database the user is requesting to use.

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