- Fixed a couple of small bugs ([`PR238 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/238>`_] and [`PR#242 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/242>`_]) - Added umath funcs: `maximum` & `minimum`
- Added support for NumPy 2.0, while maintaining support for older versions back to 1.22 [`PR235 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/235>`_]. Many thanks to Björn Dahlgren and Zach McKenzie for this. - Fixed a potential security hole [`PR236 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/236>`_] - Dropped support for Python 3.8
Not secure
- Quantities now has type stubs for all classes and functions. Many thanks to Peter Konradi and Takumasa Nakamura for this major effort. - Fixed a number of deprecations coming from NumPy (thanks to Zach McKenzie) - Dropped support for NumPy 1.19, added testing for Numpy 1.25 and 1.26, and for Python 3.12
Not secure
- Fixed a bug when scaling quantities with integer dtype [`PR216 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/216>`_]
Not secure
- Added decimeter to list of supported units [`PR202 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/202>`_] - Removed deprecated mb as symbol for millibar unit [`PR203 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/203>`_] - Fixed failure to preserve dtype in rescale [`PR204 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/204>`_] - Added exp2 as a supported ufunc - Fixed failure to handle units with floordiv [`PR207 <https://github.com/python-quantities/python-quantities/pull/207>`_] - Added femtofarad (fF) to list of supported units - Dropped support for Python 3.7 - Dropped support for NumPy versions older than 1.19 - Converted the project packaging from setup.py-based to pyproject.toml-based
Not secure
- Dropped support for Python versions older than 3.7, in particular, for Python 2.7. - Dropped support for NumPy versions older than 1.16 - Switched test runner to pytest, and CI to Github Actions