
Latest version: v1.37

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QuantLib 1.37 includes 27 pull requests from several contributors.

Some of the most notable changes are included below.
A detailed list of changes is available in ChangeLog.txt and at


- **Future change of default:** as already announced, in the next
release we're going to switch the default for `ext::any` and
`ext::optional` from the Boost implementation to the standard one.

Dates and calendars

- Added closure for President Carter's funeral to the NYSE calendar;
thanks to Dirk Eddelbuettel (eddelbuettel).

- Added distinct Wellington and Auckland variants for New Zealand
calendar (lballabio).


- Improved the performance of the `addFixing` and `addFixings` method
in the `Index` class; thanks to Peter Caspers (pcaspers).

- Added the KOFR index; thanks to Jongbong An (jongbongan).

Instruments and pricing engines

- Added Choi pricing engine for Asian options; thanks to Klaus
Spanderen (klausspanderen).

- Passing a risk-free overnight index to an asset swap now implies
using OIS-like coupons (lballabio).

- Added Bjerksund-Stensland, Operator-Splitting, Deng-Li-Zhou, Choi
and n-dim PDE engines for spread options; thanks to Klaus Spanderen

- Deng-Li-Zhou, Choi and n-dim PDE engines for basket options; thanks
to Klaus Spanderen (klausspanderen).

Term structures

- **Possibly breaking**: better upper and lower bounds for global
bootstrap; thanks to Eugene Toder (eltoder). If you created your
own bootstrap traits, you'll need to add `transformDirect` and
`transformInverse` methods for them to work with the `GlobalBootstrap`

- Fitted bond curves can now be passed precomputed parameters without
the need for bond helpers (lballabio).

- Use correct guess in SABR swaption vol cube (lballabio).

- OIS rate helpers can now be passed a date-generation rule; thanks to
Sotirios Papathanasopoulos (sophistis42).

- Swap rate helpers can now be passed explicit start and end dates;
thanks to Eugene Toder (eltoder).

- OIS rate helpers can now be passed explicit start and end dates,
making a distinct `DatedOISRateHelper` class unnecessary; thanks to
Eugene Toder (eltoder).

Cash flows

- Added new `MultipleResetsCoupon` and `MultipleResetsLeg` classes to
manage coupons with multiple resets (lballabio). They fix and
replace `SubPeriodsCoupon` and `SubPeriodsLeg`.

Deprecated features

- **Removed** features deprecated in version 1.32:
- the `FixedRateBondForward` class;
- the `SampledCurve` and `SampledCurveSet` classes;
- the `StepConditionSet` and `BoundaryConditionSet` classes;
- the `ParallelEvolver` and `ParallelEvolverTraits` classes;
- the `FDVanillaEngine` and `FDMultiPeriodEngine` classes;
- the `BSMTermOperator`, `StandardFiniteDifferenceModel`,
`StandardSystemFiniteDifferenceModel` and `StandardStepCondition`
- the `QL_NULL_FUNCTION` macro;
- the overloads of `DigitalCmsLeg::withReplication` ,
`DigitalCmsSpreadLeg::withReplication` and
`DigitalIborLeg::withReplication` taking no arguments;
- the empty headers `analyticamericanmargrabeengine.hpp`,
`analyticsimplechooserengine.hpp`, `complexchooseroption.hpp`,
`compoundoption.hpp`, `margrabeoption.hpp` and
`simplechooseroption.hpp` in the `ql/experimental/exoticoptions`
- the empty header `ql/experimental/termstructures/multicurvesensitivities.hpp`;
- the empty headers `pdeshortrate.hpp` and `shoutcondition.hpp` in
the `ql/methods/finitedifferences` folder;
- the empty header `ql/models/marketmodels/duffsdeviceinnerproduct.hpp`;
- the empty headers `fdconditions.hpp`, `fddividendengine.hpp` and
`fdstepconditionengine.hpp` in the `ql/pricingengines/vanilla`

- Deprecated the `SubPeriodsCoupon`, `SubPeriodsPricer`,
`AveragingRatePricer` and `CompoundingRatePricer` classes; renamed
to `MultipleResetsCoupon`, `MultipleResetsPricer`,
`AveragingMultipleResetsPricer` and
`CompoundingMultipleResetsPricer`, respectively.

- Deprecated the `SubPeriodsLeg` class; use `MultipleResetsLeg` instead.

- Deprecated the `MultipleResetsCoupon` constructor without a reset
schedule; use the other constructor.

- Deprecated the `calendar`, `price`, `addQuote`, `addQuotes`,
`clearQuotes`, `isValidQuoteDate` and `quotes` methods in the
`CommodityIndex` class; use `fixingCalendar`, `fixing`, `addFixing`,
`addFixings`, `clearFixings`, `isValidFixingDate` and `timeSeries`

- Deprecated the experimental `SpreadOption` and `KirkSpreadOptionEngine`
classes; use `BasketOption` and `KirkEngine` instead.

- Deprecated the `TransformedGrid` and `LogGrid` classes and the
`CenteredGrid`, `BoundedGrid` and `BoundedLogGrid` functions; use
the new FD framework instead.

- Deprecated the `PdeOperator` and `BSMOperator` classes; use the new
FD framework instead.

- Deprecated the `PdeSecondOrderParabolic`, `PdeConstantCoeff`,
`PdeBSM` and `GenericTimeSetter` classes; use the new FD framework

- Deprecated the `hasHistory`, `getHistory`, `clearHistory`,
`hasHistoricalFixing` and `setHistory` in the `IndexManager` class;
use `Index::hasHistoricalFixing`, `Index::timeSeries`,
`Index::clearFixings`, `Index::hasHistoricalFixing` and
`Index::addFixings` instead.

- Deprecated the `notifier` method in the `IndexManager` class;
register with the relevant index instead.

- Deprecated one of the `AssetSwap` constructors; use the other overload.

- Deprecated the `fcn` and `jacFcn` methods in the
`LevenbergMarquardt` class; they are for internal use only.

- Deprecated the `indexIsInterpolated` parameter in YoY inflation
curve constructors; use another overload. Fixings will be
interpolated by coupons instead, so curves and indexes will only be
asked for fixing at the start of a month.

- Deprecated the `indexIsInterpolated` method and the
`indexIsInterpolated_` data member in the
`YoYInflationTermStructure` class.

- Deprecated the `DatedOISRateHelper` class; use `OISRateHelper`

**Thanks go also** to Eugene Toder (eltoder), Ben Watson (sonben)
and the XAD team (auto-differentiation-dev) for miscellaneous
smaller fixes, improvements or reports.



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