
Latest version: v3.2.2

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Now removes cause of deaths announcement 'during the night' which was often incorrect.


Now the game is started in a random superposition of gamestates instead of a superposition of all gamestates.
This means that all players no longer have identical role distributions at the start allowing for more strategy.

Other improvements:
- Bar length is always the same length
- More input sanitization
- Live players are displayed at the start of your turn
- players can now be addressed by their ID number as well as name

This release includes the cupid role into the game.

The cupid role works as follows:
On the first turn all players choose a pair of lovers.
These lovers are linked in life: if one dies the other dies as well.
In any game state where one of the lovers has been killed the other lover is dead as well.

Expands the base game with the hunter role.

The hunter role works just like the non-quantum version:
When a player dies and they are the hunter, they choose someone else to kill.



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