
Latest version: v24.11.2

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1. Make -r optional


1. Provide API interface with APKLab vscode plugin
2. Output the complete Bytecode instruction in the JSON report


In this version, we release two main features:

1. Provide a forensic module to get the string in the APK, and with the function provided by quark, we can extract the URL, IP, content, etc. in the string.

2. To cooperate with APKlabs, we provide a more complete JSON report.


1. New command-line option to limit the confidence level of output result.
2. The command interface can only enter quark to display the help information.
3. Automatically update the latest rules for users daily.


1. add command line feature of `freshquark`, which can download the latest rules from the quark-rules repo.

2. change the rule classification number to star

3. update readme quick install usage from `pipenv install` to `pip install`


1. Use the built-in attribute` __slots__` to reduce the memory usage of each object.

2. Available to analyze single Dex files.

3. When searching for methods, it will be necessary to compare Class_name, method_name, descriptor to make sure the result is precise.

4. Add functools.lru_cache() to the heavily used functions to cache the function results and improve the speed.

5. Change the data type originally used in each function,(class_name, method_name) to the [MethodAnalysis](https://androguard.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/androguard.core.analysis.html#androguard.core.analysis.analysis.MethodAnalysis) object from androguard.

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