* Bugfix don't continually extend limits with blueprint/defaults. * Support Python 3.13, drop Python 3.8.
* Add the ability to skip rate limits via a skip_function.
* Officially support Python 3.12 drop Python 3.7. * Support Quart 0.19 onwards.
* Use redis rather than aioredis as the two have merged. * Bugfix ensure the Content-Type header is present. * Improve the typing for better type checking. * Officially support Python 3.10, and Python 3.11.
* Support an enabled flag, ``QUART_RATE_LIMITER_ENABLED`` to disable all rate limiting (meant for testing).
* Support aioredis >= 2.0. * Switch from remote_addr to access_route[0] for the remote key as the latter is correct when proxies are involved.