
Latest version: v0.0.3

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1. Cleaned up package files.
2. Cleaned up test files.
3. Added a `quart_uploads.config.User` class, which stores the configurations for the sets on `Quart.extensions` on the key _uploads_. This allows typing to occur and is a true python dictionary.
4. Moved all the provided file extensions to dataclass.

pyproject.toml file:
1. Changed version number to match this release.
2. Updated dependencies required - Specifically versions.
5. Added types-aiofiles.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Quart-Addons/quart-uploads/compare/0.0.2...0.0.3


The following was changed during this release:

1. Tested extension using Python 3.12.
2. Extension now supports Python 3.11 and 3.12.

Dev Container:
1. devcontainer.json: Changed name, vscode extensions, and `postCreateCommand`. `postCreateCommand` doesn't use shell script anymore.
3. Dockerfile: Updated docker version to be 3.12 and removed unused commands.
4. Removed `postCreateCommand.sh` file, since no longer needed.

pyproject.toml file:
1. Changed version number to match this release.
5. Added Python 3.11 and 3.12 to classifiers.
6. Updated Python version to be >= 3.8.
7. Updated Quart version to match latest release.
8. Added tool.black
9. Added tool.isort
10. Added tool.mypy


This is the initial release of Quart Uploads.



Has known vulnerabilities

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