- all blocks are drawn with transparency, so overlaps are more visible;
- controls for switching between overlapped blocks are added to Contig info panel;
- y-coordinates offsets and shades of colors for neighbouring contigs are removed.
2. Icarus update -- integration of Contig Size Viewer with Contig Alignment Viewer
(if reference genome is available and thus alignment information is present):
- contigs are colored according to their mapping on the reference (correct,
misassembled, unaligned);
- positions of the breakpoints in the misassembled contigs are shown;
- full scale Contig info is now available with links to Contig Alignment Viewer;
3. Nucmer aligner is replaced with significantly faster E-MEM (for Linux only).
4. Significant speed up of misassembly detection algorithm in case of complicated
genomes (with many short repeats).
5. New option is added:
- "--no-sv" for skipping structural variants calling and processing. Make sense
only if reads are specified: in this case they will be used for building Icarus
read coverage histograms only.
6. Embedded Manta is updated to version 0.29.6.
7. Reference line on cumulative plot is redesigned to be more consistent with
assemblies lines (starts at 0, depends on number of chromosomes/plasmids).
8. Fixed several minor bugs.
4.0 1. Icarus is added! Icarus stands for Interactive Contig Assessment browseR.
Icarus complements QUAST output with interactive visualisations of assembly
alignments to the reference genome, and all assembly features detected by
QUAST (e.g. misassemblies, genes). Icarus generates two types of viewers:
- Contig alignment viewer (available if a reference genome is provided). Shows
contig alignments to the reference, misassemblies, similarities between assemblies,
genome annotations (if genes/operons are provided), read coverage along the genome
(if reads are provided).
- Contig size viewer. Draws contigs ordered from largest to smallest. Allows hiding
of short contigs. Explicitly shows contigs of length N50, N75 (and NG50, NG75).
2. Improved misassembly detection algorithm in case of multiple ambiguous mappings of
contig fragments. The algorithm identifies best set of non-overlapping contig fragments
mappings. The set minimises possible number of misassemblies, i.e. this algorithm
reduces number of false negatives (erroneously detected misassemblies).
3. Several new options are added:
- "--significant-part-size" for setting threshold on detecting partially unaligned
contigs with both significant aligned and unaligned parts (default: 500 bp as earlier).
- "--fragmented" for notifying QUAST about fragmented reference genome (e.g. scaffold
reference). QUAST will try to detect misassemblies caused by the fragmentation and
mark them "fake".
- "--unique-mapping" for forcing -a=one in QUAST run on the combined reference (MetaQUAST only).
- "--sv-bedpe" for specifying BEDPE file with structural variations. Note that QUAST may
create such BEDPE automatically using Manta SV caller if reads are specified.
However, it is rather slow because include reads alignment to the reference.
4. Fixed bug with skipping "broken" scaffolds in per reference runs of MetaQUAST.
5. Slightly rearranged MetaQUAST summary HTML report. New order is: statistics,
plots, table with links to per reference runs (the table was in beginning previously).
6. Fixed several minor bugs.
7. Embedded samtools updated to version 1.3.
8. Citation for MetaQUAST paper is updated, citation for Icarus paper is added.