
Latest version: v0.1.35

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What's new
New loss functions and bug fixes
- Added Circle Loss 197
- Added FastAP Loss 199

Bug fixes
- Fix a bug in sampler 194
- Updated dependencies for compatibility 201


What's new
- Fixed a bug caused by Euclidean distance matrix optimization used in XBM context.


What's new
- Updated the semi-hard triplet loss implementation to avoid out-of-memory crashes when used with large XBM buffer sizes.


What's new
- Add semi-hard mining to Triplet Loss, and introduce Cross-Batch Memory support(175).
- Add soft margin variant to Hard Triplet Loss (178).
- Support multiple `EncoderHead` in a `SwitchHead`, most useful for two-tower encoders like CLIP, and enable to pass meta data from `Encoder` to `EncoderHead`, also useful for passing masks, e.g., attention masks (180).


What's new
- Support configurable number of stacked gated residuals in `SkipConnectionHead`, useful for training deeper `EncoderHead`s.


What's new
- Fix a bug that causes loss of custom `encoder_selection` implementation when restoring `SwitchEncoder` 45

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