- Added time dependent evolutions to :class:`~quimb.evo.Evolution` when integrating a pure state - see :ref:`time-dependent-evolution` - as well as supporting ``LinearOperator`` defined hamiltonians (:pull:`40`).
- Allow the :class:`~quimb.evo.Evolution` callback ``compute=`` to optionally access the Hamiltonian (:pull:`49`).
- Added :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.Tensor.randomize` and :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.randomize` to randomize tensor and tensor network entries.
- Automatically squeeze tensor networks when rank-simplifying.
- Add :meth:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_1d.TensorNetwork1DFlat.compress_site` for compressing around single sites of MPS etc.
- Add :func:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_gen.MPS_ghz_state` and :func:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_gen.MPS_w_state` for building bond dimension 2 open boundary MPS reprentations of those states.
- Various changes in conjunction with `autoray <https://github.com/jcmgray/autoray>`_ to improve the agnostic-ness of tensor network operations with respect to the backend array type.
- Add :func:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.new_bond` on top of :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.Tensor.new_ind` and :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.Tensor.expand_ind` for more graph orientated construction of tensor networks, see :ref:`tn-creation-graph-style`.
- Add the :func:`~quimb.gen.operators.fsim` gate.
- Make the parallel number generation functions use new `numpy 1.17+` functionality rather than `randomgen` (which can still be used as the underlying bit generator) (:pull:`50`)
- TN: rename ``contraction_complexity`` to :meth:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.contraction_width`.
- TN: update :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.rank_simplify`, to handle hyper-edges.
- TN: add :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.diagonal_reduce`, to automatically collapse all diagonal tensor axes in a tensor network, introducing hyper edges.
- TN: add :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.antidiag_gauge`, to automatically flip all anti-diagonal tensor axes in a tensor network allowing subsequent diagonal reduction.
- TN: add :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.column_reduce`, to automatically identify tensor axes with a single non-zero column, allowing the corresponding index to be cut.
- TN: add :meth:`quimb.tensor.tensor_core.TensorNetwork.full_simplify`, to iteratively perform all the above simplifications in a specfied order until nothing is left to be done.
- TN: add ``num_tensors`` and ``num_indices`` attributes, show ``num_indices`` in ``__repr__``.
- TN: various improvements to the pytorch optimizer (:pull:`34`)
- TN: add some built-in 1D quantum circuit ansatzes:
:func:`~quimb.tensor.circuit_gen.circ_ansatz_1D_brickwork`, and
- **TN: add parametrized tensors** :class:`~quimb.tensor.tensor_core.PTensor` and so trainable, TN based quantum circuits -- see :ref:`example-tn-training-circuits`.
**Bug fixes:**
- Fix consistency of :func:`~quimb.calc.fidelity` by making the unsquared version the default for the case when either state is pure, and always return a real number.
- Fix a bug in the 2D system example for when ``j != 1.0``
- Add environment variable `QUIMB_NUMBA_PAR` to set whether numba should use automatic parallelization - mainly to fix travis segfaults.
- Make cache import and initilization of `petsc4py` and `slepc4py` more robust.