
Latest version: v1.0.3

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Fix QSave save path issue.
QSave load now can load with filename
All class name are changed.




Finally, we finish all fundamental code for simulating few body real-time dynamics code, with a internal plot and data processing function only works for closed system (non-superoperator form).

For simulating open system with Lindbladian operators, please take mesolve result out and do analysis using self-made functions.

Important update!!

we have good data saving and loading class, named by `qsave`, will make your life easier when doing simulating data saving, loading, and undoing.


Still pushing forward...

1. Fix some bugs.
2. Add an example of CZ gate in ST0 qubit and and fSim gate in transmon-coupler-transmon system



* Fix the bug in the DRAG regime

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