New features added: - hamiltonian class supports initialization with numpy arrays and scipy sparse matrices. - hamiltonian class also supports some arithmetic operations with numpy arrays and scipy sparse matrices. - L=32 now supported, (checks needed) - new method added expm_multiply which calls the scipy function [expm_multiply]( - get_vec() added to basis1d class. function takes the vector in the block diagonal symmetry sector and returns the vector in the full Hilbert space.
We've added a new option to the hamiltonian class, If you want to use Pauli matrices instead of spin 1/2 all you need to do is add set the pauli option to True:
python H=hamiltonian(...,pauli=True,...)
Note that the default value for pauli is True.
In this release we have updated both and to now include the functionality of inputting 2 dimensional arrays.