
Latest version: v5.1.1

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Patch to add support for scipy 1.15.


- qutip.cite() now cites the QuTiP 5 paper, https://arxiv.org/abs/2412.04705 (#2592).
- Added QuTiP family package information to qutip.about(). (2604)

Bug Fixes

- Fix support for calculating the eigenstates of ENR operators (2595).
- Update various functions to use sph_harm_y when using scipy >= 1.15 (2593).
- Update mkl finding to support the 'emscripten' sys.platform. (2606)




- It adds odd parity support to HEOM's fermionic solver (2261, by Gerardo Jose Suarez)
- Create `SMESolver.run_from_experiment`, which allows to run stochastic evolution from know noise or measurements. (2318)
- Add types hints. (2327, 2473)
- Weighted trajectories in trajectory solvers (enables improved sampling for nm_mcsolve) (2369, by Paul Menczel)
- Updated `qutip.core.metrics.dnorm` to have an efficient speedup when finding the difference of two unitaries. We use a result on page 18 of
D. Aharonov, A. Kitaev, and N. Nisan, (1998). (2416, by owenagnel)
- Allow mixed initial conditions for mcsolve and nm_mcsolve. (2437, by Paul Menczel)
- Add support for `jit` and `grad` in qutip.core.metrics (2461, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Allow merging results from stochastic solvers. (2474)
- Support measurement statistics for `jax` and `jaxdia` dtypes (2493, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Enable mcsolve with jax.grad using numpy_backend (2499, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Add propagator method to steadystate (2508)
- Introduces the qutip.core.environment module, which contains classes that characterize bosonic and fermionic thermal environments. (2534, by Gerardo Jose Suarez)
- Implements a `einsum` function for Qobj dimensions (Evaluates the Einstein summation convention on the operands.) (2545, by Franco Mayo)
- Wave function calculations have been sped up with a Cython implementation.
It optimizes the update method of the HarmonicOscillatorWaveFunction class in distribution.py. (2553, by Matheus Gomes Cordeiro)
- Speed up `kraus_to_super` by adding a `sparse` option. (2569, by Sola85)

Bug Fixes

- Fix a dimension problem for the argument color of Bloch.add_states
Clean-up of the code in Bloch.add_state
Add Bloch.add_arc and Bloch.add_line in the guide on Bloch class (2445, by PositroniumJS)
- Fix HTMLProgressBar display (2475)
- Make expm, cosm, sinm work with jax. (2484, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Fix stochastic solver step method (2491)
- `clip` gives deprecation warning, that might be a problem in the future. Hence switch to `where` (2507, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Fix brmesolve detection of contant vs time-dependent system. (2530)
- `propagator` now accepts list format `c_ops` like `mesolve` does. (2532)
- Fix compatibility issue with matplotlib>=3.9 in matrix_histogram (2544, by Andreas Maeder)
- Resolve incompatibility of TwoModeQuadratureCorrelation class (2548, by quantum-menace)
- Fix sparse eigen solver issue with many degenerate eigen values. (2586)
- Fix getting tensor permutation for uneven super operators. (2561)


- Improve guide-settings page. (2403)
- Tidy up formatting of type aliases in the api documentation (2436, by Paul Menczel)
- Update documentation
- Update contributors
- Improve apidoc readability (2523)
- Fix error in simdiag docstring (2585, by Sola85)


- Add auto_real_casting options. (2329)
- Add dispatcher for sqrtm (2453, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Make `e_ops`, `args` and `options` keyword only.
Solver were inconsistent with `e_ops` usually following `c_ops` but sometime
preceding it. Setting it as keyword only remove the need to memorize the
signature of each solver. (2489)
- Introduces a new `NumpyBackend `class that enables dynamic selection of the numpy_backend used in `qutip`.
The class facilitates switching between different numpy implementations ( `numpy` and `jax.numpy` mainly ) based on the configuration specified in `settings.core`. (2490, by Rochisha Agarwal)
- Improve mkl lookup function. (2497)
- Deterministic trajectories are not counted in ``ntraj``. (2502)
- Allow tests to be executed multiple times in one Python session (2538, by Zhang Maiyun)
- Improve performance of qutip.Qobj by using static numpy version check (2557, by Pieter Eendebak)
- Fix towncrier check (2542)


Micro release to add support for numpy 2.1

Bug Fixes

- Fixed rounding error in dicke_trace_function that resulted in negative eigenvalues. (2466, by Andrey Nikitin)


Micro release to add support for numpy 2.

Bug Fixes

- Bug Fix in Process Matrix Rendering. (2400, by Anush Venkatakrishnan)
- Fix steadystate permutation being reversed. (2443)
- Add parallelizing support for `vernN` methods with `mcsolve`. (2454 by Utkarsh)


- Added `qutip.core.gates` to apidoc/functions.rst and a Gates section to guide-states.rst. (2441, by alan-nala)


- Add support for numpy 2 (2421, 2457)
- Add support for scipy 1.14 (2469)


Patch release with a lot of fixes, optimization for QuTiP 5.

Bug Fixes

- Use CSR as the default for expand_operator (2380, by BoxiLi)
- Fix import of the partial_transpose function.
Ensures that the negativity function can handle both kets and density operators as input. (2371, by vikas-chaudhary-2802)
- Ensure that end_condition of mcsolve result doesn't say target tolerance reached when it hasn't (2382, by magzpavz)
- Fix two bugs in steadystate floquet solver, and adjust tests to be sensitive to this issue. (2393, by Neill Lambert)


- Correct a mistake in the doc (2401, by PositroniumJS)
- Fix 2156: Correct a sample of code in the doc (2409, by PositroniumJS)


- Better metadata management in operators creation functions (2388)
- Set minimum python version to 3.9 (2413)
- `Qobj.__eq__` uses core's settings rtol. (2425)
- Only normalize solver states when the initial state is already normalized. (2427)


Patch release fixing small issues, mostly with the migration from self hosting the documentation to using readthedocs.

- Fix broken links in the documentation when migrating to readthedocs
- Fix readthedocs search feature
- Add setuptools to runtime compilation requirements
- Fix mcsolve documentation for open systems
- Fix OverFlowError in progress bars

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