
Latest version: v1.90.0

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- support sessions which only have profiles, but a limited or no event or state model



- Adding plotting class
- add concurrency plot
- PR 41
- If ranges is empty do nothing, else update dict. Value of dict is a list of lists in case there are more than one ranges
- Single session, multiple pilots utilization
- TTC diagrams
- Utilization method. For the moment single RP session, single pilot
- add several examples
- add time filter tests
- add valid range testing
- adding test case for the magic function -- currently test fails for dataset with execution barrier
- behave on empty event queries
- better testing for time filters
- entk integration
- entity.ranges() *always* returns a list
- event profiling cleanup
- expose session id
- expose stats, new event type
- ignore gitignore
- import matplotlib only if needed, to avoid hard dependency
- keep up with RU changes
- make sure we get session ID from an experiment dir
- mocking tests file structure, better .gitignore
- owner and consumer are mandatory inputs in the API call
- remove unwanted files
- support tarballs tarballs: those named "sid.tbz" etc. are now transparently unpacked and used.
- testing ranges
- tests require pytest
- use empty range set and "None" to indicate condition mismatch
- work on RA memory consumption



- clean out repository
- sync branches
- sync version across radical stack



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