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Fixing packaging of 0.10.0 273



[*(see Pull request and code changes here)*](https://github.com/radis/radis/pull/273)

4th release of RADIS in 2021, and the largest so far !

New physics with ExoMol support, by-default truncations to account for subLorentzian behaviors, custom abundances for non-terrestrial atmospheres. **Major** improvements in performances (reduced memory consumption, faster database loading, up to 10x faster small CPU spectra, large range spectra are 2-30x faster, 3500x faster nonequilibrium partition functions). A few handy features for post-processing (custom plotting themes, ruler tool) or for the calculations (automatic wavenumber grid, fitting methods, new profiler, new choice of truncation & effect of neighbour lines), and even a new method to automatically cite the papers that contributed to your calculation ! 🏃

And also, [lot's of new Examples](https://radis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auto_examples/index.html) of what can be done with RADIS :


10 people contributed to this version, including the major works of anandxkumar and gagan-aryan on their [OpenAstronomy](https://openastronomy.org/gsoc/gsoc2021/#/projects) GSOC-2021 projects. 👏

[🐦 Twitter feed](https://twitter.com/radis_radiation/status/1432308606054060032)


Changes since [0.9.29](https://github.com/radis/radis/pull/224) (April 2021) :

🔬 [(Physics) Features](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Aphysics+milestone%3A0.10.1)

- 319, 320 ExoMol Support
- 340, 343 Adds default line truncation at 50 cm-1 to account for sublorentzian behaviors in the far wings. Chi-factors will be implemented in the next version.
- 301 for non terrestrial atmospheres

Also notice that the HITRAN team has completed major additions to the database (see "Database Update" on the the [HITRAN website](https://hitran.org/home/)), and these are available in RADIS with `databank='hitran'`

- 288


- 251 `cutoff=None` is valid and means `cutoff=0`
- 250 Automatic wavenumber grid resolution with `wstep='auto'` (see Performance)
- 281
- 291 a ruler to measure offsets or linewidths directly on RADIS `plot(show_ruler=True)` and `plot_diff(show_ruler=True)`
- RADIS updated to support [Fitroom](https://github.com/radis/fitroom), a multi-dimensional fit environment. See the [1min-video](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16088743/120166810-4ac14980-c1fd-11eb-9dd5-8fb037db8793.mp4
- 348 to have your own plotting themes, like `seaborn`
- 336 fitting functions, see the the [fitting Examples](https://radis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auto_examples/plot_multi_temperature_fit.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-plot-multi-temperature-fit-py)
- 343 : adds two independant parameters choice of `truncation` & effect of `neighbour_lines` (replaces the old parameter `broadening_max_width`
- 345 : `s.cite()` to generate your Bibtex entry

🏃 [Performance improvement](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Aperformance+milestone%3A0.10.1)

- 250 Automatic wavenumber grid resolution by anandxkumar : makes sure you always have the right balance in between accuracy and performance. Will become the default mode in 0.9.31, try it before by setting `wstep='auto'` in calc_spectrum or SpectrumFactory . Feedback welcome !
- 233 234 Fast Cython implementation of add_at in LDM method, by dcmvdbekerom
- 252 in SpectrumFactory, do not load rovibrational energies (needed for nonequilibrium calculations) unless we actually need nonequilibrium calculations
- 286 : only downloads the HITEMP files you need, i.e., not the full wavenumber range.
- 287 : reduced memory usage and up to 2x faster linestrength calculations by gagan-aryan
- 303 : about 20% faster to load .spec files
- 304 up to 10x faster to calculate very small spectra (~1 cm-1), by minouHub
- 306 : up to x20 faster database loading with `vaex` engine
- 309
- 316 500-3500x faster nonequilibrium partition functions
- 325 new profilers
- 323 : 2-30x faster spectra in LDM+Voigt
- 343 : LDM + Voigt becomes the default, making large range spectra 2-30x faster. See [this benchmark](https://anandxkumar.github.io/Benchmark_Visualization_GSoC_2021/LDM%20UPDATED/Spectral%20points(NLines%20and%20Wstep%20constant)%20vs%20Calculation%20Time/Spectral%20points(NLines%20and%20Wstep%20constant)%20vs%20Calculation%20Time.html) by anandxkumar

> Note : some performance improvements are not activated by default in this version. See `partfunc="tabulation"` 316 , `wstep='auto'` 250 , or `fetch_hitemp("OH", engine="vaex")` 306 . Try them !

🐛 [Bug fixes](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Abug+milestone%3A0.10.1)

- 211 264 do not parse local/global quanta if missing values : fixes problem with HITEMP H2O unlabelled lines
- 248 fix error when fetching hitran isotopes with no lines in the spectral range by CorentinGrimaldi
- 260 slit shape was not saved in the Spectrum conditions, fix by CorentinGrimaldi
- 257 fix reading of single path in config file entry by CorentinGrimaldi
- 218 219 270 fix automatic correction of slit dispersion in apply_slit() by CorentinGrimaldi
- 277
- 280 (STILL OPEN)
- 282 by gh4ag
- 298
- 294
- 308
- 326

📝 [Documentation](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Adocumentation+milestone%3A0.10.1)

- 261 add documentation of radis.json
- 242 256 improve error messages
- 263 246 235 231 improve docs
- 230 links to source code in online docs, and clickable flow chart
- 265 240 add default arguments automatically (still WIP)
- 293
- 315
- 331

🏁 [CI / Dev / Tests](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Aci-test+milestone%3A0.10.1)

- 125
- 324

🏗️ [Refactor / change in architecture](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Arefactor+milestone%3A0.10.1)

- Cython module architecture in 234
- 287 , 302
- 344 will prevent many user-problems with "convolved and non-convolved" quantities
- 347 by MVAMULYA
- 321


And also:
- [RADIS-Lab](https://radis.github.io/radis-lab/) was updated with preconfigured HITEMP-H2O lines. Try it out, or share it : no install needed (will be updated in the coming days with RADIS 0.9.30 support).
- 125 One can now chat with the community directly [from the RADIS website](https://radis.github.io/). Ask all your questions !
- dcmvdbekerom gave a talk describing the DIT algorithm that powers RADIS. The 15-min video is available [here](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1U4pXo-fqve2I4Oym3JgDjQZDsc35Uudy).
- an automatically differentiated version of the DIT algorithm has been implemented in the [Exojax](https://github.com/HajimeKawahara/exojax) code by HajimeKawahara, to model exoplanets, brown drafts and generally for inverse problems in radiative transfer. Have a look !


3rd release of RADIS in 2021. Mainly many small bug/doc fixes. Among the new stuff: new configuration file format, lazy-loading for SpecDatabase, fast apply-slit, and Sphinx Gallery Examples. 🚀

Changes since [0.9.28](https://github.com/radis/radis/pull/199) (Feb 2021) :

🔬 [(Physics) Features](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Aphysics+milestone%3A0.9.29)

Nothing new in the code. However, we released the first Spectroscopy Tutorials : https://github.com/radis/spectro101 . Have a look, feedbacks are welcome ! Future tutorials are discussed [in the Wiki](https://github.com/radis/radis/wiki/%F0%9F%8E%93-Spectroscopy-101-with-RADIS) and on [💬 Slack #spectroscopy-tutorials](https://radis-radiation.slack.com/archives/C01N7R9728M) .


- 212 **new configuration file format** : `~radis.json` replaces `~/.radis`. Will allow to use global parameters (for plots, etc.). Auto-conversion of your existing files by anandxkumar !
- 229 reduce warning/error threshold of too-few-gridpoints-per-line from 5/2 to 3/1
- 201 RADIS works for non-HITRAN molecules (they're not implemented, but you can define your own)

🏃 [Performance improvement](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Aperformance+milestone%3A0.9.29)

- 227 CO2 3-T Treanor calculations up to 5x faster when calling [non_eq_spectrum](https://radis.readthedocs.io/en/latest/source/radis.lbl.factory.html#radis.lbl.factory.SpectrumFactory.non_eq_spectrum) a 2nd time
- 193 227 fetching of Evib and Erot about ~30% faster for CO2 Treanor, and CO.
- 206 **lazy-loading feature** by gugzy when working with a [SpecDatabase](https://radis.readthedocs.io/en/master/source/radis.tools.database.html#radis.tools.database.SpecDatabase) (i.e., a folder of spectra) : only load them on demand (when using `SpecDatabase.get(Tgas=.., etc.)`). Setting up the database is instantaneous, and generate a summary csv file showing all calculation/experimental conditions !
- 220 **Apply_slit is now 10x faster** thanks to CorentinGrimaldi

🐛 [Bug fixes](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Abug+milestone%3A0.9.29)

- 81 214 217 fix a wavelength range mismatch
- 203 fix direct HITEMP download for nonequilibrium calculations (CO)
- 202 fixed export_lines parameter not working in calc_spectrum
- 111 191 improve error message with unlabelled CO2 lines of HITEMP, and suggest how to fix it, by mverleg
- 78 80 gagan-aryan fixed errors with missing configuration file parameters,

📝 [Documentation](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Adocumentation+milestone%3A0.9.29)

- 225 add more equations in function docstrings, automatically generated from Python code with [pytexit](https://pytexit.readthedocs.io/)
- 221 docs improvements
- 216 fix rendering of radis flow chart by anandxkumar
- 209 mention HAPI when using Astroquery
- 205 **add Sphinx gallery examples** (we still need more of them : 136 is open!)
- 207 improve Contributing guide

🏁 [Reliability / Tests](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Aci-test+milestone%3A0.9.29)

nothing here

🏗️ [Refactor / change in architecture](https://github.com/radis/radis/issues?q=label%3Arefactor+milestone%3A0.9.29)

nothing neither


- 78 and 80 **(NOT DONE YET)**


- 78 and 80 **(NOT DONE YET)**

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