
Latest version: v3.10.1

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* string_metric.normalized_levenshtein supports now all weights
* when different weights are used for Insertion and Deletion the strings are not swapped inside the Levenshtein implementation anymore. So different weights for Insertion and Deletion are now supported.
* replace C++ implementation with a Cython implementation. This has the following advantages:

* The implementation is less error prone, since a lot of the complex things are done by Cython
* slightly faster than the current implementation (up to 10% for some parts)
* about 33% smaller binary size
* reduced compile time

* Added \*\*kwargs argument to process.extract/extractOne/extract_iter that is passed to the scorer
* Add max argument to hamming distance
* Add support for whole Unicode range to utils.default_process

* replaced Wagner Fischer usage in the normal Levenshtein distance with a bitparallel implementation


* The bitparallel LCS algorithm in fuzz.partial_ratio did not find the longest common substring properly in some cases.
The old algorithm is used again until this bug is fixed.


* string_metric.normalized_levenshtein supports now the weights (1, 1, N) with N >= 1

* The Levenshtein distance with the weights (1, 1, >2) do now use the same implementation as the weight (1, 1, 2), since
``Substitution > Insertion + Deletion`` has no effect

* fix uninitialized variable in bitparallel Levenshtein distance with the weight (1, 1, 1)


* all normalized string_metrics can now be used as scorer for process.extract/extractOne
* Implementation of the C++ Wrapper completely refactored to make it easier to add more scorers, processors and string matching algorithms in the future.
* increased test coverage, that already helped to fix some bugs and help to prevent regressions in the future
* improved docstrings of functions

* Added bit-parallel implementation of the Levenshtein distance for the weights (1,1,1) and (1,1,2).
* Added specialized implementation of the Levenshtein distance for cases with a small maximum edit distance, that is even faster, than the bit-parallel implementation.
* Improved performance of ``fuzz.partial_ratio``
-> Since ``fuzz.ratio`` and ``fuzz.partial_ratio`` are used in most scorers, this improves the overall performance.
* Improved performance of ``process.extract`` and ``process.extractOne``

* the ``rapidfuzz.levenshtein`` module is now deprecated and will be removed in v2.0.0
These functions are now placed in ``rapidfuzz.string_metric``. ``distance``\ , ``normalized_distance``\ , ``weighted_distance`` and ``weighted_normalized_distance`` are combined into ``levenshtein`` and ``normalized_levenshtein``.

* added normalized version of the hamming distance in ``string_metric.normalized_hamming``
* process.extract_iter as a generator, that yields the similarity of all elements, that have a similarity >= score_cutoff

* multiple bugs in extractOne when used with a scorer, that's not from RapidFuzz
* fixed bug in ``token_ratio``
* fixed bug in result normalization causing zero division


* utf8 usage in the copyright header caused problems with python2.7 on some platforms (see 70)


* when a custom processor like ``lambda s: s`` was used with any of the methods inside fuzz.* it always returned a score of 100. This release fixes this and adds a better test coverage to prevent this bug in the future.

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