* created migration script to migrate content of a previously monolingual site into the default language of the appropriate multilanguage fields * added possibility to get the original language of a field by passing lang='original' * fixed AttributeError in getTranslator method
* added patches for plone.app.imaging and plone.app.blob * fixed multilanguage blob file and image fields * added patches for image and file content types (previously located in raptus.multilanguageplone) * fixed required attribute handling if language fallback is enabled * removed versatile caching of supported languages in indexes to prevent invalidity when changing the supported languages and not restarting zope
* UI improvements * Added custom validation error if default language is missing in a required field * Default language always comes first and is marked * Removed .mo files from i18n folder * Fixed CSS bug in language tabs for plone 4
------------------ * fixed catalog patch. After load the data with json we get a encoding problem. Noticeable by adding new portlet with non-ascii chars.
------------------ * fixed catalog patch. The catalog can't store proxy-class, so we need to parse the multi value to a string. This problem was only on plone4.0
* fixed error by creating new contenttypes. this error was provided by the get method of ImageFields.
* fixed validation process to work with file and image fields