
Latest version: v0.6.0

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* Generate Zarr metadata for mesh timeseries, reference line timeseries, and reference point timeseries data. Methods added to `RasPlanHdf`:
* `zmeta_mesh_cells_timeseries_output`
* `zmeta_mesh_faces_timeseries_output`
* `zmeta_reference_lines_timeseries_output`
* `zmeta_reference_points_timeseries_output`
* Renames mesh timeseries output methods for consistency; deprecates original names:
* `mesh_cells_timeseries_output` (old: `mesh_timeseries_output_cells`)
* `mesh_faces_timeseries_output` (old: `mesh_timeseries_output_faces`)
* Adds methods to return `DataFrame` objects of summary output data:
* `mesh_cells_summary_output`
* `mesh_faces_summary_output`


* **Reference lines & points**
* Geometry
* Summary output
* Timeseries output
* **GeoPandas 1.0**: upgrades to GeoPandas 1.0+ (previously 0.14). At version 1.0, GeoPandas relies on `pyogrio` by default rather than Fiona for reading/writing data. Likewise, `rashdf` now installs with `pyogrio` as a transitive dependency of GeoPandas. Fiona can be optionally installed by the user. The "dev" dependency for `rashdf` explicitly includes Fiona and some unit tests specify it for writing output.


Adds capabilities to export 1D data, including:
* Cross-sections
* River/reach lines
* Cross-section elevations
* 1D steady flow output


* **2D Mesh Summary Output Data**: ability to export mesh Summary Output data from Plan HDF files. (e.g., Maximum Water Surface, Maximum Face Velocity, Cell Maximum Water Surface Error, etc.)
* Summary output data can be exported to pandas `DataFrame` objects via methods such as: `mesh_max_ws`, `mesh_max_face_v`, `mesh_max_ws_err`, etc.
* The methods `mesh_cell_points`, `mesh_cell_polygons`, `mesh_cell_faces` now include available summary output columns in the GeoDataFrame by default when an HDF file is opened with `RasPlanHdf`.
* **2D Mesh Timeseries output**: ability to export mesh time series output data as xarray `DataArray` / `Dataset` objects. New `RasPlanHdf` methods include:
* `mesh_timeseries_output`: export a specific timeseries output as a `DataArray` object
* `mesh_timeseries_output_cells`: export cell-based timeseries output data as a `Dataset`
* `mesh_timeseries_output_faces`: export face-based timeseries output data as a `Dataset`


Fixes an issue where `rashdf` was unable to export mesh cell polygons from certain HEC-RAS HDF files due to topology problems. HEC-RAS allows mesh cells with overlapping cell face lines. `rashdf` now allows this as well.

See issue: 31


Fixes an issue with `rashdf`'s datetime parsing functionality to handle the way RAS represents midnight in string format as `24:00:00` rather than `00:00:00` of the next day. For example, a RAS datetime string of `31Dec2023 24:00:00` should parse to a Python datetime of `datetime(year=2024, month=1, day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)`, i.e., `00:00:00` on January 1.

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