- Code refactoring around handling of configuration file - Pinned version 1.8.2 to hcsr04sensor version 1.7 or higher - Fixed some inaccurate info in the raspisump.conf comments
- Added support for SSL email. Previously only supported TLS.
- Added enhancements to the local raspberrypi website. - local raspberrypi website mobile friendly
Note: No new functionality in this release. Simply a refactoring of code and a change to way code is tested. Optional Upgrade.
- Refactored code to use fstrings instead of .format for strings - Migrated to Unittests from Nose - Other refactoring for tests
- Fixed bug in date autoformatters on todaychart.py. Should have proper date settings now (HH:MM:SS)
- Raspi-Sump is no longer dependant on the pi user account. Can be installed and run as any user that is a member of the gpio group. - Made changes to the install instructions related to the lighttpd webserver for chart viewing.