
Latest version: v0.20.0

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- Completely removed osgeo.ogr in favor of fiona
- Completely removed osgeo.osr, spatial referencing is external to this module
- Removed optional dependency on GeoRaster lib
- Extensive cleanup of tests
- Extensive refactoring to encapsulate coordinate transforms and data access
- Use of affine lib instead of GDAL-style geotransform tuples
- Support for category maps to get human readable keys for categorical rasters
- Greatly improve speed of categorical and any stat requiring pixel counts
- Simplified and sped up travis builds for faster feedback
- Nones instead on nans returned when polygon doesn't intersect raster pixels
- Removed deprecated rasterstats script and unused util functions
- Added support for `nodata` count
- GeoJSON features and geometries accepted as CLI inputs
- point_query function and CLI
- fixed bug in zonal_stats points with all_touched
- GeoJSON Feature output supported directly, geojson_out=True


- Rasterio CLI plugin; rio zonalstats


- install bug, completely remove GDAL dep


- Utility function to enable CLI with geojson features


- Removed dependency on osgeo.gdal
- Added dependency on rasterio; used for rasterizing geometries and raster reads
- Optional use of the affine library to handle transformations ala rasterio
- Use OGR fids if available
- Raise builtin Exceptions (IOError, etc) for general errors rather than RasterStatsError
- global_src_extent doesn’t require OGR vector layer, assumes full raster extent
- Optional support for GeoRaster output (http://github.com/ozak/georasters)


- fix bug in percentiles where feature covers only nodata values
- pep8 cleanup

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